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yeah xxx
preach 🙌🏻
yes xxx
thx for the follow! you really understand life!
it's ok, and yeah xxx
wow that's deep and so true
thanks xxxx
this, it's just amazing ❤️
so deep and true it needed to be said
and you are amazing
aww thank you xxx it means a lot to me that I have this amazing support xxx
I won't tell you stop feeling this way, I'll just tell you to look forward to the next day
yeah, I do xxx
Very well said. Good for you. XxX
this is so true and I don't get why people say it. 😘😘
yeah, thank you xxx
so true, u have a kind heart❤️
thank you xxxx
this is beautiful❤️the world needs more kind hearts like yours.✨
thank you xxxx
love ur words. they are so touching
thank you xxx
this is true you are a great person
thank you
ahh now your getting it very well said look you have so many comments about how awesome you are
thanks xxx
aww thanks xxx
A girl in school told me that😭
I was told to kill myslef :(
:( don't ever do it
I was told to go and die in a ******* hole and I nearly did kill myself
but I didn't !!! x
yeah xx
Dont we will miss you
don't do it guys... stay strong believe in yourself
thanks x
People started telling me to kill myself since I was in 6th grade. I am in 7th grade and I am still alive. I have been staying strong all this time. I have my best friends and they are like sisters to me and they keep me up on my feet and keep me supported. they are my shoulders to cry on and my guardian angels and i am thankful that I have them. I thank GOD now as you are reading this that I have them in my life. if they weren't in my life, I would fall apart