Ask me anything about family friends or boy/girl issues. I can help


Ask me anything about family friends or boy/girl issues. I can help

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there is this boy I like... let’s call him H.. Ok so I like him I use to like him and I was just in a previous relationship. It kinda ended badly and my ex is a good friend with my new crush. than my best friend goes to my ex and helps him. but I’m also going tho hard stuff. I think I should die cause what I did to my ex and so on. but yea I like H. and I have no clue why I do. we use to like each than but not anymore . I wasn’t there for the first day of school and he liked someone else and that’s when we ended and than the girl he liked didn’t like him back and than he moved on and got a older girl. now my brother is dating my crush’s ex girlfriend, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if i should get rid of my crush for him or go for him. some of my friends say he likes me but some of my other friends say he likes someone older and is dating her. I have no clue what to do. can you please help!? sorry for this comment being long.