Collage by AddieBooksForever


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I love these
can you follow me please?
what do you mean by by can you follow me please?
vsco girl I followed u
thanks for the follow
Your Icon is the picture at the top of your profile :)
thank you
thank you
an icon is basically your profile picture, I can remix the steps⭐️
thank you so much so you would replace your profile pic?
yep, that’s how I make mine!!!✨
yes, you can replace it by going to the main screen of your profile (where you see the followers and stuff) and then tap on the icon/ profile pic you already have, it will give you an option to look in your camera roll and to look online I think, choose camera roll and then pick the icon you made⭐️ hope that helps💗
thank you so much it truly helps💓💗💞💕💙❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙😊😊
what would you like on your icon?
a pic of Hermione Granger from Harry Potter