The ones that are brighter and have a purple heart on them, are the ones that pass to the next round, sorry the rest of you, they were all so amazing!! It was REALLY hard for me to chose…


The ones that are brighter and have a purple heart on them, are the ones that pass to the next round, sorry the rest of you, they were all so amazing!! It was REALLY hard for me to chose…

6 0
graciasssss!! y perdón
no me lo creo 🙊 aaaaaaaaa youpiiiiiiiiii
va a mi acc🚨🚨🚨🚨
pon la 2 ronda q me aburro jajaja
nooooooooooooooo buaaaaaaaa
hay, renata tb es ganadora, q no tiene el corazón
aeen seriooo os habeis vuelto todas contra mi!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
que guayyyyyyy aunque el mío estaba fatal, gracias!
si, manu, si, ya, ya paso, quiere q le prepare un guiso envenenado, su alteza real?
ya os han dado los exámenes de geo?
sabéis que el hermano de Isa es niñooooooo
lo 1º: no, lo 2º: siiiiiiiiiiiiiii
he visto una foto, es super monooooooooooooooo
yaaaa yo tmb e visto la fotoooooooloooooooooooooooooooooo