Dirty rp page for me and rainbowsourskittles


Dirty rp page for me and rainbowsourskittles

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What topic?
we're bffs and we go to ur house and do each other
okay. you start? no remixes, mine don't work
*i text you* ur parents home?
(My name is Bella). No, they're on a vacation for a month
cool (my name is Lucy) can I come over?
Yeah! *time skip to when you get here*
*i knock on your door*
It's open! *in my room*
*j walk in and go to your room* hey Bella
Hi Lucy! What do you want to do?
*i smile mischievously* wanna do it?
*i point to the bed* you know....IT
I didn't know you liked me that way.
*i smile and shrug* what can I say.....your attractive
Yeah. Let's do it.
*i smile again and get in bed*
Okay, how do you want this to go?
umm....I don't know.....show me what you know.....this is my first time
*kisses you*
*kisses u back and takes off ur shirt*
*tugs yours off* We better have some toys to use
like what? *i kiss your neck*
you know *moans*
oh *i take ur pants and bra off and start kissing ur boobś
mhmm *takes off your pants*
*ribs my hand all over u and French kîsses u*
*sucks on ur tounge*
*i hûmp u from behind*
*smiles and starts breathing heavily* u like that?
*i flip u on top and take off ur bra* now u do it to me *i take off ur underwear*
I don't know how
it's easy....,like this *i demonstrate and then take off my bra and underwear*
oh, okay. *does it to you*
moans loudly
*i play with ur v to get u ready*