Both are valid. // in my 7th hour my friend is bi and this kid who sits next to me is v nosey and he thinks only lesbian and gay is a real valid thing and I've explained pan and bi to him so many times ugh he doesn't understand it it's frustrating


Both are valid. // in my 7th hour my friend is bi and this kid who sits next to me is v nosey and he thinks only lesbian and gay is a real valid thing and I've explained pan and bi to him so many times ugh he doesn't understand it it's frustrating

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because he keeps calling us lesbians and I've told him in a guy but he doesn't listen that jerk he doesn't listen to us
^^dont waste your time with him
that sucks. as a bisexual it sucks that some people think we aren't valid. am sorry you have to deal with this bîtch fren -evan