Click if you want :*

I don't know why I love this quote... I made it while I was crying for three hours last night and decided to make an edit out of it... Sorry for the large spam of edits!


Click if you want :* I don't know why I love this quote... I made it while I was crying for three hours last night and decided to make an edit out of it... Sorry for the large spam of edits!

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sorry but, why were you crying? are you okay? 😁😖
that's how I feel
are you ok? i go through the same thing most nights >< i love the collage!
my parents were telling me to shut up because hey don't care about my opinion. we were talking about the death penalty for some reason but I said that they shouldn't use it and they said they should. anyways they constantly told me this and then my mom pulled my hair and kicked my shins. then they told me I'm worthless...
I love them so much but they don't see that I'm trying to make an effort to show them I love them. sometimes I think they are possessed because when I was little they acted so loving...