Collage by Im_just_Mangle


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You don’t deserve this, they shouldn’t be treating you like that. Your family should be much more supportive. I guess all I can really say is I’m sorry and that I honestly hope things get better for you😞
Stay strong, don’t die. I’m here to talk right now if you want. I’m taking a break from homework
I understand how you feel, I’d really prefer you don’t harm yourself. But if you already are just don’t hurt yourself too badly, please. You are a great person, and I’m being completely honest with you right now. And
You’ve actually helped me, in times when I needed it most and I appreciate it. You don’t deserve all this pain your going through with your family and all that śhït.
That’s your choice if you want to do that, I don’t know enough about what’s going on with you or situation to tell you what’s best. Also it’s not really my place to say that anyways.
What? No, it’s fine. It doesn’t bother me at all. Don’t apologize for talking
You don’t need to apologize for anything
Of course you don’t, there’s nothing to apologize for, you did nothing wrong
Stardew Valley. It's on the Xbox one and computers, idk if there are any other platforms
Me too, but honestly you did nothing wrong
boi, don’t you dare
bulimia is an illness and you will not fall into it
what is he doing?
aww, so he’s acting like a kid
as long as he doesn’t do anything harmful, I don’t see any trouble in him staying
Watch JaidenAnimation’s Why I Don’t Have a Face Reveal vid on YouTube, she describes it perfectly~
*Hugs* I’m so sorry, Mitch❤️
Next time you want to eat because you’re upset, try chewing gum instead. That works for me xx
Re/ Did you tell him that your family like, prevents you from eating well?
Mitch honey you need to eat
get an apple or some sort of fruit at least
^I agree
Re/ Oh...Well, if you have access to gum, try my idea and see if it works💕
There’s these really amazing things called Super Crackers, they’re basically healthy Cheez its
They’re fricking delicious, I highly recommend them
Bea: but you have to, young man
Oh cool :) idk if the gum thing actually is proven to work, but it works for me.
I don’t know what to tell you
I hate your sister, I think she’s a spoiled brat who needs to learn her place and not be such a dîck
if anything you should be tougher to her , because letting her get away with shït isn’t going to help anyone
it’s not your fault
Re/ No, that’s not weird at all. If you want to, go for it!🙌
Will your family let you, though?
don’t! brother I’m here for you!
don’t worry! we’re here for you!!! also my oc’s are here for you!!!