


23 23
im ava. how are you?
that's good!
hru Love
I’m good :)) so wyd?
how are you ?
really tired but for the rest iM greaT:)
I’m good;)
wanna do something cause I’m boreddd
don't worry I'm not staying up for youu,wowza. just kidding:))
oh I forgot my names LoïS Marie Estelle Grant
woah andrés sounds liTt
no its nott
okay ur totally right it's so uninteresting
ooo and i also like ur hoodie. hoodies are so comfyyy
hey I'm cali:)
hey i’m courtney:)
hi I’m amber
hey :)
hEy i’m hadley:)
your name is awEsomE
you’re very welcome:) how are you?
hii i’m mel:)
hello, i'm ashton🌻
I like your eyes they cute just like u
yo I’m forest:🌳)
aka you are following a hate page... I just wanted to let you know.