Collage by unwanted_teens


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thanks man
haha same with those pics of cam
yea I am
it kinda sucks
she talks about other boys
yea I know
yea that’s good
no not yet
idk I’m just scared she won’t feel the same way
yea ok
aye congratulations
yea maybe
hahaha I bet
you making me jealous
no it’s ok
you getting some I ain’t
he fell asleep
hey what’s up
I’m fine haha
yea I’m lying
nah it’s ok
thanks tho
hahah I’m sure
I’m mad
no girl should be fxcked within 5 responses
that’s dumb
yea I know
yea he is
uhhh yea
I wanna show her how a proper man fxcks a girl
I know
he’s low key in love with her but she’s too stupid to realize it
Hahahah just as much as I hxte Eugene
I mean no hxmo but probably
idk I forgot
of sorry I don’t mean too
all the time
that your perfect and so amazing and I quote “ he like really like cares for me and it shows”
she loves you too
I’m glad
dude I know.
I just see how much he comments
tell her she won’t listen to me
she doesn’t listen to my advice about him
yea I know
all he wants to do is fxck her and she’s crying
that’s all he wants
yea I’m ignoring him
do it please. I can’t lose her
they broke up
that’s good
time to shoot my shot. hey when your driving with belle rub her thigh
yea dude ik
going on a flight
idk haha
oh yea
thanks man for those
I don’t need them but thanks. I’m thinking of moving on
I just feel stupid. if this relationship goes on for longer I’ll give up
I know
yea thank youuuuu
it’s fine
no it’s good
idk she’s sleeping at my house but I’m giving her my bed
yea haha we aren’t sleeping in the same room tho
oh okay will that be weird
I don’t really care what he thinks
no she hasn’t she just blushy and flirty
so beautiful
having my hair massaged and my abs traces and my v line traces and holy shii when a girl is turned on gripping the bed sheets
yea haha
yea I know
it’s driving me insane
it’s fine ig
we’re watching a movie and I’m spooning her
yea haha
hahah be dominant when you want something