I'm back from school


I'm back from school

13 0
no it doesn't matter anymore
no it doesn't matter and i have to sort an argument out between me and angie
pîssed off
just a small argument
no ask angie
he's being a jerk
I'm going for a run
i know
I'm sorry I didn'tt talk to you someone told me you were mad at me and made you want to die
I miss you xx
well we were talking then she got mad and i upgraded from mad to furious so then i was gonna quit pc so the arguments would stop and she said not to
you know a hatepage who only I knew about at the time they deleted after I reported them and told the teachers at our school thru an email X
I didn't believe them I just thought if it's tru then I will stay away for a while
I thought u had blocked me it wouldn't let me on your account either and I just cried be there was no one to talk to anymore
im not going to
I won't x I would say I promise but I can't trust promises anymore
ok I will give in for you xxx
ur welcome
xx 💓💘💝💞💖💗❤️💟💕❣💙💛💚💜
not so good
I'm not sure I should be happy I get to get outa here and to Ireland for a month but I just can't stand the thought of my parents and everyone just is like saying stuff (irl) to try and bring back memories
because the person that hates my friend has a crush on me
it's ok
don't know never seen her face or got her name
and i have a girlfriend
I know and it's the same for me never give up
she knows
I won't
she wants my friend to die because she thought i was going out with her then she found out about my gf
xx I won't always be in and if I'm not on for a while then unless kittie or someone have told you I havnt given up
my gf doesn't want her to die the hater does
oh ok
yeah xxx I won't be on Monday Tuesday Wednesday and maybe thur Bc of travelling
ok xxx
its fun right lol
ur fun
yes u r
because u just r
everything about u is good
it is true
look in the mirror
no i haven't seen u
u r cue
ur not ugly
ur not
ur cute end of story
i gtg bye
I was at a party last nigh was drinking and smoking
so if I'm like weird that's why
okay bye
okay I will
love you bye