Sneak peak at latest project

I had a really shîtty day today.
Hope these flowers cheer you up if you're having one too.

Please be grateful if you're happy
Think positive


Sneak peak at latest project I had a really shîtty day today. Hope these flowers cheer you up if you're having one too. Please be grateful if you're happy Think positive

23 0
is that oil paint?
^^watercolor. I suck at oil paints unfortunately ><;
^ same >_<
it's super awesome tho *^*
@ThatStriderKid thank you, but I'm far from professional. these are just some nice paints that my nana gave me ><
@Cujo thanks! ^\\^
@ThatStriderKid >\\< I don't think anyone would buy my stuff. hopefully in a couple years my art could be somewhat good enough to sell.