Cause I am whatever you say I am if I wasn't than why would I say I am, in the paper the news everyday I am I don't know it's just the why I am


Cause I am whatever you say I am if I wasn't than why would I say I am, in the paper the news everyday I am I don't know it's just the why I am

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hey do u still wana talk
yah what do u wanna know about my biological father
sure but only if u wana
yah go ahead anything u want to know
is he physically abusive
I'm sorry was that too personal
he was to me when I was younger
u can ask anything u want about him nothing about him is personal
o I'm sorry. I feel bad asking coz it's like not any of my biz
do u still live with him
no i don't live with him, I live with my adopted parents
he lives in Ontario Cornwall
he is homeless right now, he doesn't have a job, no house, no girlfriend, nothing
oh. is he in jail or something
no he just got out of jail for beating two guys to death with a baseball w
okay well I'm gonna go now I'm sorry for making u ask these things
no don't be sorry. it's fine. I like talking to u
okay good😉
well I'm gonna go to bed I'm tired 💤 and have fun on your trip
I don't wana keep u up so if u have to go then goodnight. but if u want we can still talk
Do u wanna still talk?
Cuz I might have school tomorrow so yah
okay well what do u want to talk about
oh ok. I don't
no no no it's okay lol we can still talk
well I do have school but obviously I'm not going and yes I still wana talk
okay cool
so how's ur adoptive dad?
he's good I think he's sleeping
Hey sorry I was just bored
should I just go cuz I feel like I'm not wanted here
if u want I don't care
well I mean it's ur profile it's up to u
I have to go my battery is gonna die so bye
sup. do u have school today