I've been dying to get up early and just take a walk😌


I've been dying to get up early and just take a walk😌

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Draw a mandala. You can google them, but they're basically circle designs that look good. When you first start out you probably won't like it but it looks cooler and cooler as you go. Hope it helped and happy early birthday!
draw!! happy early birthday! βœ¨πŸ‚πŸ’•πŸ’˜
sing, have a personal dance party, talk to people who make you smile. it's your birthday!! have a great time doing things that you love. have a fun day!
1. writing (story, poem, whatever)
2. listen to your favorite songs (if you play any instruments, maybe try to learn it on there in your free time)
3. reading
Here are my suggestions and stuff: 1. I suggest, maybe you could do some cooking! With ingredients, that most people always have in their cupboard. I will attach a recipe for something! 🍴 2. You could also do craft! Get some photos and collage them! πŸŽ† And, I hope you have an an amazing birthday! P.S. I will respond some attachments to relate to these!
Thanks so much, guys!
I've been wanting to wake up early and just take a walk, maybe to the playground, while it's cool outside, too.
Hiya! I tagged you on my who I admire tag (check my page)πŸ’• Sorry if you have done it before. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
I'm sorry some of mine may not fit a tight schedule, or be close to home, but I think that if you ever get the chance, you should try these. I really enjoy them and I think you will too.😌✨🌻
try boating if you have any boat rentals in your area, or you can go to a really quiet spot in the park and write
or if you don't enjoy writing you should draw or read, things are always nicer when done outside
Happy early birthday!πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΌβœ¨ I don't really know your main hobbies and interests here is a list of things i do when im home alone. 1.Bake something. what ever looks good on pinterestπŸ˜‚ 2. draw 3. write 4. put in a movie 5. watch youtube! (if you do this you should look up peter draws he is amazingπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ) 6. go for a walk 7. put on a big jumper and fuzzy socks and curl up on my window seat and read a good book😌 8. when im really feeling weird, i blaze halsey, melaine martinez, and lorde ect. and sing and dance all over the houseπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 9. go on pc of course 10. sometimes i like to make music on GarageBand. you should get it if you like music! its so cool, fun, and easy to get the hang ofπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸƒ well thats all I've got... if you need more ideas look up things on Pinterest! that always helps me. hope you have a good birthday!
Happy early birthday! πŸ†πŸŽ‰πŸŽ I don't know really what you like to do,but here's a list of what I do when like my moms at the supermarket or something. 1. EAT FOOD 🍟 2. Blaze Taylor Swift and run around the house singing horribly out of tune πŸ’ 3. Watch YouTube 🎩 4. GO ON PICCOLLAGE!! 5. Do art, like draw, trace, paint 🎨 6. Plan for the closest holiday ⛡️ 7. Go on wattpad, and write a story. You should get it if you have a wild imagination and lots of ideas, and if you like writing stories. ✏️
read though it looks like you already do that. sketch trying drawing Miguel from the Road to El Dorado (I think I spelled that right) because it's super hard (or maybe that's just me I mean I'm not that great of a drawer). listen to music. drink hot cocoa.
THANKS GUYS! Had a great birthday thanks to all of you!πŸ˜„
happy birthday what book?
make ur school work fun
Happy b day
happy belated birthday sorry that it went kinda bad next year do this take a giant cookie sheet put olive oil on and then put food coloring everywhere the end results are AWESOME again sorry about your birthday hope you have a better one next year
Hi everyone! Not sure why this is featured--it's really outdated, please don't comment ideas for what I should do to months ago!βœ‹πŸ˜‚Thanks so much!