Tap for happy news
Haaavvvinnnnggg aaaa
I'm having a baby there


Tap for happy news Immmmmm Haaavvvinnnnggg aaaa Bbbbbaaaaabbby I'm having a baby there

3 0
I'm pregnant
omg really
yah I'm fine I'm just hallucinating a little
and I'm just scared
that's awesome
I'm so mad that Ryan made me have the baby but he's not gonna be around for the babe
umm why
because Ryan dumped me before I did the pregnancy test
well I have a friend who is great with things like this
what does she do😰
she has been through the same thing
and she can help make everything better
I already have another boyfriend though so I hope I won't get hurt again
his name is Dylan
well she's been through hall and back
what's her name
and she can fix any relationship problems
I know right she has helped me with all my relationships problems
she goes to my school she is one of my best friends
thanks guys
I'm exited about the babe
no problem
bye can't talk rn
this is the same girl
I just deleted my account