Plzz follow my friend Renny_rocks if she gets to 400  likes you will get a shoutout


Plzz follow my friend Renny_rocks if she gets to 400 likes you will get a shoutout

9 0
thank you sooooooooooo much!!!!โค๏ธ
your welcome...Wht r friends for๐Ÿ’™
so whts up
nm what about you
making cupcakes cause tomorrow is my brothers birthday
ohhh that's cool. I think it's funny that we keep texting each other then barely missing each other. ๐Ÿ˜‚
yah lol
so what are you up to
are you still doing cupcakes??
no I'm in bed but I'm not tired
oh same here
yah is it alright if I ask u where u live
cause your really cool and I think we should meet some time if u live near me
well tell me where you live then I'll tell you if we're close or not!
oh no we live at least 10 states apart but this app is a good way to keep in touch and I always stay up late so we can talk pretty much all the time.
I'm usually awake until like 3:00 am so I can talk a lot
are you still there?
yah sorry and yah I really want to keep in touch and maybe when u get a phone we can talk a lot more
yeah when I get a phone we, for sure, can talk more and maybe even face time!!!
yah!๐Ÿ˜Šso whts up
nm what about you?!
my little brother is trying to do my makeup
omg that's funny!
did u c the pics
yes and thank you!!
hey what's up?!
nm hbu
I'm just laying in bed as usual (jk) checking out over
sorry that's autocorrect I meant to say checking out pc
lol Kool
so what's up?
Laying in bed on pc and on my tablet doing wishbone
oh that's cool
nr I'm bored
yeah so am i
I just dosed off that's how bored I Zam
*I am
yah lol same
so in your town do y'all have school tomorrow
so do we and it sucks!!!!!!
yah it's so boring
I don't want to go at all๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜“
me either
your really my friend u r the only person I really KEEP in contact with on pc
hey is your sister nevaphbelle
lol she just followed me
I asked her and she said she did
what's up we haven't talked in a while. But my wifi went out last night so I couldn't talk then and I had practice today after school until 6:00 and after that was over I had to come home and clean my house, which is 3 stories, and I just now got in bed.
yah Kool and nm Wht time is it where u live
about to be 9:00
oh Kool here it's 8:41
I can't find it what picture was it
what pic r u talking about?
u said for me to look at the comment
oh I was talking about this pic
so what's up
oh ok lol I'm on my way home from the store cause I had to get my brother medicine cause he's sick
oh I hate being sick so I'll wish him good luck
ok thanks he has a fever of 103
that's so sad
he'll be fine
hey gurl!!!
hey sup
hey!!! Long time no see