QOTD: Which kind of people do you see in your dreams?
I see people from school, anime, shows that I watch (people like David Tennant, Bethany Mota, Cruella Devil, and my previous math teacher have showed up. Interestingly enough.


~Click~ QOTD: Which kind of people do you see in your dreams? I see people from school, anime, shows that I watch (people like David Tennant, Bethany Mota, Cruella Devil, and my previous math teacher have showed up. Interestingly enough. ALSO ALMOST TO 3K

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from school and my friends....dunno...
Beautiful!!! 💙💕
so pretty ! ❤️❤️❤️
I only ever my dreams about once every two months but when I do it's usually random people from school who barely know me.
AND THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE EDIT! I have absolutely no idea how you do it! I'm mind blown! ✨ It's amazing, your account is just so amazing! You've created a different style of collages that are so unique and gorgeous!
this is amazing!!!
WOW!! How do you do this!!
It would be a huge honour to collab with someone as amazing as you!💕❤️
amazing acc!
AOTD: friends, family...
I love this!💞💦 By the way, can you enter my contest? I think you will do great!💕
Sure! I'll share with you some pictures or quotes I like :)
this is super cool💕✨
I posted another one before
TO THE MEMBERS OF -starIight-! Recently, we've been hacked! 😱 We've got to change the password! The new password is coIIabaccount2016! The "L"S in the pass are actually capital "i"S. please delete this when you see it. Thanks, xoxo -starIight-