I'm like totally freaking out because I don't have a cookie


I'm like totally freaking out because I don't have a cookie

11 0
okay, okay, calm down. I'll get you a cookie
i can get you a cookie..but it won't be like the ones back in the super hero dimension..it might not be that good..
I don't care give me cookie!!!!!!!!!!
Alright..but im not very good at making things.. *runs into kitchen and starts making cookies and you hear fire explosions and a fire estinguisher* THAT WAS NOTHING!! *runs back to where marco is and has some burns and hands him a cookie* i probably didnt burn the kitchen down.. *nervous laughing*
(((u wanna rp?)))
(((alright, one sec)))
((alright, so were gonna go to the fnaf dimension, meet on gamerwolfs last post)))