Sorry that I am once again, dead™. School is  k i l l i n g  me. 
If you have any procrastination tips, tell me please, I've got a problem 
Can alligators eat your children? Yes, yes they can. 
Why does pc never cooperate? Like, ever?
You are lovely, have


Sorry that I am once again, dead™. School is k i l l i n g me. If you have any procrastination tips, tell me please, I've got a problem Can alligators eat your children? Yes, yes they can. Why does pc never cooperate? Like, ever? You are lovely, have

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re:// yesssss i used to be obsessed with those books XD
I wish I could help you but I procrastinate so hard omg😓honestly, for me, I give my phone to my sister and tell her to not give it back to me until I'm done... unless I need to do something on my phone😅or just get started? maybe once you get one thing done everything else will be easier💕
np! haha, thank you I hope you procrastination lessens🙏🏻and thank you so much!☺️💜
you k ow what else I am just for kicks
a procrastinator
(reply) they sure did
love this. very creative collage 💖
amazingg 😻😻🙈