Had some of my friends join my page, hit us up


Had some of my friends join my page, hit us up

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what do you mean “what” you realize you keep leaving in the middle of our serious conversations
im okay
I’m sure
you can decide for me who I choose to love
if you don’t want me then just say so
but that’s my choice. I want you but you keep pushing me away... you are good enough for me, I say so
I still want you so I’m just as fûcked up as you are.
these are just excuses steven, just be with me
but I want you in my life.
do you not care about what I want?
then please just let me love you
you are the only thing that will make me happy
well sûck it up you are
are you just going to nickpick everything I say
oh my god, I’m sorry wrong choice of words. this is something very simple your making hard
Steven I just need to know if your okay
you probably won’t see this but I love you, alright