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mars: *looks up and sees Eva then quickly looks at his shoes*
mars: *looks up surprised he is being talked to* hi?
mar: I’m mars *shakes her hand* nice to meet you
Nova- *walks in*
Matt: *walks in*
Nova- Hey Matt.
mar: *smiles a little* yea I am you are to?
Matt: *bobs his head* sup ginger snap *smirks*
Nova- *laughs* I love that nickname.
Matt: it really does suit you
Nova- So... Anything interesting going on?
Nova- *sees Clarice, then smiles and waves* Come over here Clarice!
mars: *stands up* well we’re both new so you want to be freinds?
Nova- I feel like I haven't seen you in so long! Thank you for everything you did. *suddenly hugs Clarice*
Matt: hey clarice
Nova- Oh yeah, Matt and I *points to Matt* were wondering if you wanted to join this group for evils.
mars: ok cool... *he says starting to get a little scared at all the enthusiasm*
Matt: hey monika
mark: *walks in and goes over to monika and the others* so what’s all this about a secret evil society?
Matt: it will be great, vandalizing, packs, tats ... you know evil stuff
(my cat is attacking me 😹)
mark: *laughs*
Nova- Our name right now is the evils.
(I aware he acts like a dog. He even drinks out of the toilet!)
Nova- I know, it's a pretty generic name.
Nova- I just thought of this, but where are we going to get tattoos?
Nova- Do you have a tattoo kit? Or whatever is.
Matt: I don’t know... but I have an idea
Nova- What's your idea Matt?
mark: *laughs* your great, I’m in
Matt: Brody will hit me up or I do know this guy...
Nova- *to Monika* That's not evil enough.
Nova- *to Matt* Who's the other guy?
Matt: I guy I met when I escaped juvi he does tats
Nova- Alright, I heard Brody gets along well with good people, so we'll try the juvi guy first.
Nova- *to Monika* Nah. It's too easy to steal candy from a baby.
Matt: *smirks* I’m evil for a reason you know
Nova- Who's EK?
Matt: if I got caught I wouldn’t be here
mark: yea who?
Nova- Well, if you use your powers, it's a piece of cake.
Annabeth:( Walks in late) sorry im late!
Nova- So I'm guessing we'll have to go to Alaska to get these tattoos.
Matt: and I escaped
mark: oh... wait is that her over there talking to mars?
( What is happening?)
Nova- *to Monika* Is your cousin evil?
(There is a group of evils trying to figure out how to get secret tattoos, and Clarice is mocking Matt a bit 😂)
Nova- Note to self, EK is not evil. Also, who has a name like EK?
mark: yea and think she is scaring mars rn*laughs*
Nova- I would personally prefer Eva Kelly over EK, but anyways, we all need to decide on a tattoo theme.
Nova- *to Monika* I guess that does make sense.
Nova- I think we should do animal theme tattoos.
Matt: like are spirit animal?
( i am back!)
Nova- Yeah! Like a spirit animal.
Matt:I see...
( whats happening i have no idea....)
Nova- I also think our tattoos should be small enough that it isn't too obvious to another good person.
(basically a bunch of evils planning to get tattoos)
( cool!)
(hi guys...)
Matt: yea I know we’re and what I’m getting
Nova- *to Matt* When should we leave for Alaska?
( heyyyyy!)
Nova- Now sounds good. If we go outside secretly, I can transport you guys there as a dragon.
Matt: I got a ride and sure whatever monika
(hey I always say wassup😂)
Grace walked in, all alone like usual. Because that is just how Grace is.
Brb, gotta get dinner. Give me 10 mins tops.
Adrian: *walks in he has changed see remixs in a sec*
Grace sat down in a corner and picked up her book.
( I have just been here on half of the time reading the comments😅 Because I dont know what to say😅)
I is back
( Heyyyyy!)
( eyyyyyyyy!)
ok I’m back
( HIIIIIi!!!!)
( RP?)
Annabeth: ( Grabs a cup of Coffe)
Grace put her book down for a minute to get herself a cup of tea
Annabeth: ( sees Grace) Hey...
( anyone on?)
yea sry
“Hey...” Grace said to Annabeth, looking a little upset
Annabeth: Grace Whats Wrong?
“Nothing...” Grace said stirring her tea
Annabeth: Really Grace Whats Wrong?
“It’s really nothing.” Grace said about to push her hair in front of her face before realizing it was short now
Annabeth: ( Changes the Topic) I like your hair!
“Really?” Grace said, her eyes lighting up
Annabeth: Yeah!( she smiles)
(I have to go...bye..)
( Bye!!!)
( Anyone else on?)
yea sorry were at the remix in the rp
(Cool at least Im not the only one here😅)
Annabeth: ( sits down with her cup of coffe)
the sky
anyone have Pinterest?
Nova- *she rubs her forearm. There's a searing pain. She doesn't know why. She went to Australia to get things sorted out with herself. This wasn't normal. Her skin was starting to get pale*
I do not have a Pintrest account
But does anyone do Whattpad?
Well played Caeli, well played 😑
I do have wättpäd
Guys, does anybody know what Skype is?
Matt: *cracks his neck*
Nope I do not know what skype is....
What is it?
omg I have skype omg gosh am I not alone?
I have skype!!!
I'm bad with knowing what different types of social media are. 😂
Annabeth: ( sips her coffe and brings out her sketchpad and starts to draw)
but you can txt on it to
So it's like they combined every texting and calling app together?
I still dont know what it is....
yea plus there are really cool bots were you can do stuff on
wait who has. wättpäd?
not me
I have whattpad!!!!!
I dont write I just like to read
omg what’s your user??
Mine is SolangoloShipper
I rite and read
omg that would be so cool!
mine is..... one sec
oh it’s same as my main on here 😂
it’s a writing and reading app
That would be cool!
Lol! I just used to write to rues on my notes app.😂
wait does anyone have skype besides me?
I might get Skype.
I do not have a phone so no I do not.....
anyone have we heart it?
What is that?
it’s like Pinterest
Probaly some app?
anyone have tumbler?
people at school call me Retarted because i dont have a phone and I dont wear Makeup
That's just wrong to call people ritarded because they don't have a phone or makeup.
Well, at least you have the sense to be nice.
yeah and my friend calls me that too....
I don’t wear makeup or have a phone either so your fine
Your friends? Do they say it as a joke, or do they actually mean it? Either way, still not always the nicest.
I hen she isn’t your friend if she calls you that!!!
Yeah I only have 1 Real Friend
But shes all I need
But I have you Guys!
Just curious, what device do you have?
And we got you!
oh! I have a school Ipad!
Yeah! We got Each other!
* gives A Virtiral hug*
I was Talking to allllllll of you guys! Seriuosly p! you huys make my day better!
virtual hug 😊
I meant Guys
I love making people's days better!
yeah you guys Make My Day a whole lot better!
guys want to go back to Roleplay?
Nova- *suts down with a glass of water. She thinks she might be dehydrated*
Annabeth: (continues to Draw)
Nova- *winces at pain in forearm, but keeps on drinking water*
Annabeth: ( sips her coffe and continues to Draw)
Nova- *to Annabeth, hoarsely* Who are you? Have I seen you before?
( Byeee! Till you come back!)
I’m back but I’ll be of and on
I am back to!
What do you want to Roleplay about?
nova asked you something
Annabeth: ( continues to Draw)
Nova- *to Annabeth, still hoarsely* What are you drawing?
( I know I am. tryin to answer it)
Annabeth: Just Random things....
idk wat to do
meh to
Nova- *looks around for Matt*
Matt: *walks into the dinning hall*
Nova- *walks up to Matt* I need to talk with you, if you don't mind.
(I am back)
Matt: k *plops down into a chair*
Annabeth: ughh I ran out of coffe!( she gets up and gets another cup)
Nova- You see, the tattoo that I got today wasn't my first tattoo. I have another one, but it isn't a normal tattoo.
Jessica:*she gets up and walks to the breakfast place*
Nova- *reveals forearm to snow a serpent tattoo*
Matt: I mean I have other tats to... but what’s this about not normal? I mean mine glow cause I got powers but what’s with yours?
Annabeth: ( goes to the Garden to draw)
Nova- You see, I was curse by a which after she found me in the side of a road. I became evil. A serpent had saved me from the witch, and I got this tattoo. My tattoo can cause serious pain either if something bad is going to happen, or if it wants me to know something.
( Can Diego come into this? please?)
Jessica:*sighs and grabs a salad and sits a table*
Matt: oh
Diego: *sits outside*
Annabeth: Hey Diego!
Nova- I don't think anything bad is going to happen, but I think it wants me to know something.
Diego: hey you! *waves*
Nova- Matt, where did the car crash happen where your sister died?
Matt: *shrugs* don’t ask me
Mal: morning guys...
Nova- Matt, please, if you know tell me.
Jessica:*she chews gum*
Alex:*walks in*
Mal bites her lip nervously as she walks in and sees Matt
( I am back peoples!)
( Nothing much!)
Hi! Where is everyone else?
(not too much really)
( Have you guys watched the new Voltron Season 5 yet?)
( It is sooooooo goooood!!!!! you have to watch it! I will not give you any spoilers!)
Mal: um
sry I’m back
( you is back!!!,)
Jessica:*she sips tea*
Nova- Please Matt, tell me if you remember.
Matt: *sees Malory and looks her over biting his lip*
Annabeth: Hey Diego!( Walks over)
Mal: hey... Matt.. oh sorry Nova am I interrupting your conversation?
Nova- It's okay, since you're an evil.
Mal laughs...
Jessica:*blows her gum into a bubble*
Diego: hey you!
Alex:*she grabs a bagel and coffee*
Annabeth: hey!
Mal screams to herself
Matt: *shakes his head* what sorry nova what did you say *rubs his neck*
Annabeth: So how is it going?
Jessica:Malory’s Nervous!*she yells staring at Matt Nova and Malory*
Annabeth: ( gives him a quick hug)
Mal feels someone staring, so she looks around. Jessica was the person.
Alex:*sits down next to Jessica*Don’t be so rude Jess...
Nova- Matt, please tell me if you remember where the car accident happened?
Mal's cheeks start burning..
Diego: *hugs her and kisses her cheek* good you?
matt: *looks at Jessica and smirks*
Mal bites her lip so hard she tastes blood...
(btw Mal, all the evils got tattoos)
(you can remix yours if you want)
Jessica:Don’t worry Malory it’s okay to have a crush!*she hollers chewing her gum*
k I will. brb
Alex:Oh Jess can you ever shut up?*she elbows her in the stomach*
Mal stares daggers at Jessica
Jessica:Mind reading is a gift!*she says*
Nova- *looks nervously at Matt*
Annabeth: I am good
I can't get it to load.
Matt: *looks at mal* someone upset? here I can fix that! *kisses mal on the lips and walks away chuckling*
Alex:More like a nightmare..*she mutters*
Annabeth: what are you doing?
Mal blushes and smiles shyly...
(Noooooo... Mal got a boyfriend!)
I meant Ooooo not Nooooo
stupid typos
Jessica:LOVE LOVE LOVE!*she giggles softly blowing her bubble gum bigger than ever*
( I hate Typos!)
Brb sry. mom came...
( for a second I thought Mal was Upset that she has a boyfriend)
Im back.
( hey!)
Alex:*rolls her eyes* You had to much coffee...*she walks back to her dorm*
Nova- *she felt a but upset with Matt. She didn't know why. She was happy for Mal, and wasn't jealous of her. Nova like Matt, but not as a crush, but like a brother. Even though they just met. Nova needed to know where the car crash happened, but she wasn't getting any answers*
sorry guys, gtg
Mal looks at Matt in a way she never had before. She used to think that her crush went only one way, now she knew she was in love with him and he liked her too...
Jessica:Bye!*she smiles weakly and stares around looking at different people reading their minds people had dark dark secrets....I guess she is a Gossip girl*
(Caeli said she was going to be on and off on Pic collage)
Jessica:*she knew to much about people having the power to mind read mad gave her the ability to know almost everything about people she all she needed to do is look at someone’s face*
Mal gets up and grabs some food. An apple, an empty glass, and a blueberry muffin, happier than ever...
MALT is happening!!!
ok I’m here
( You are back!)
Annabeth: What are you doing?
( I will be back I need to go get my charger!!)
my I pad is at 12%
(My Phone is at 80%...)
Jessica:*sits at an empty table staring at people chewing*
chewing gum*
Im back
Anyone still here?
oh noes I missed it all
ehhhh nothing rlly
(Matt kissed Mal😊)
(oh that)
Jessica:*flips a water bottle*
(Oh and Jessica just flipped a water bottle...)
I just got skype
my Skype name is the weirdest too.
Oh I see. Now that I came back everyone left. 😑
(I’m back)
(Anybody know why my Skype name is so weird?)
(help. me. please.)
(what's going on?)
(are you okay?)
(no. I’m not okay.)
(what's happening?)
(what can I do to help?)
(the show I’m in is a horrible mess.😑)
(What is it?)
(The Music Man🤮)
(you actually had me scared for sec that something was actually wrong 😱😅)
(it is very wrong😒)
(anybody else got Skype?)
(uh, yeah, my family does)
(I do but I am only allowed to Skype with my real life frends..
(Yeah, I can't really use skype with anybody but my real life friends too.)
(did I miss much drama????)
(kk. uggg Idk how to get Azule to come back cause what will happen to Atlantis..... can someone help??!)
(Idk how😂 I will try?)
Jessica:*sits on the beach chewing.....gum*
(Oh and that to..🤦🏼♀️)
(Yup...I was gonna save her but it was... to late..*dramatic music plays*
(Oh any I gotta go to sleep gn Pixel peeps)
(okay, I’m back. but I have nooooo clue about what’s going on😂)
celesta can come if u want
(Hoi guys I just changed my username this is WiseArtist by the way...)
Jessica:*sips tea watching everyone pass with their own little worries such as no my god I failed mid terms and petty things such as that*
Matt kissed Mal!
Mal walks around, looking for Matt, wanting to ask him a couple of things...
( Im back!)
(hey guys ;) i’m in my school nurses office cuz i’m sick :( )
(Awwww Bella I hope you feel better)
awww bella. get well soon
get well soon Bella...
(Rp Anyone?)
aww get well soon sorry I’ll defo be ok tomorrow night! Ava will finally come back 😂
*on not ok I’m incapable of typing apparently....
Oh okay!😂
Alex:*walks up to Hannah with her tea*
Alex:Hey! How’s it going?
Alex:Oh what’s the “New Hannah”?
Jessica:More Independent? Your already so.*she raises her eyebrow*
Alex:Terrible Things? Such as...
Alex:*froze* N-No way.....It’s not your fault don’t blame yourself.....
what’s up
Alex:The company was caught by the FBI*she bursts out*
(Pffft Caeli it’s obviously the ceiling)
(or the sky that’s what I say😂😂)
Alex:But several officials escaped with 100 kids...
Alex:Hannah don’t worry Jessica and I will handle it....It’s bad but most of them were arrested...
(idk watto do)
Alex:I know what people are capable of! I would help but than again no one trusts me...
Alex:She’ll be stoped I promise you I will help you.
Alex:No problem....It would be a change to do something good for once..*she trails off*
Alex:Ehh...Not really Or at least lately.
Jessica:*sits in the garden chewing gum*
Alex:So......What book are you reading?
Jessica:What note?
Alex:Why are you reading a text book?
(I am still here)
I responded rip kayla😂
I love the new user name
Jessica:Oh I know I just didn’t get the note...
(oooooo Thanks!)
Alex:Really?....Are you Lying?
I GTG to karate guys be on later💖love you guys!
Jessica:Don’t call me Idiot...*she says sternly putting her hand on her gun in her pocket*
Alex:Okay?*she stands there confused*
(hi guys!)
Jessica:Ehhh...Don’t you know the company was caught by the FBI soon they’ll find us....
Jessica:Don’t worry the Head Officials escaped..
Jessica:Okay...What will it be?
Jessica:I will get rid of her but Should I kill? Kidnap? Or kill someone else and blame it on her.
(I have a question for you all)
(Do any of you have an Xbox? because I need friends...badly😂)
(Yes but my brother uses it all the freakin time so yea...)
(Do you have an account??)
(No my brother does)
I have a question
Do you have an Xbox Caeli? (I’m asking everyone just so you know) Because I need some friends😂
omg best idea I have post it up when time I have
Wut is it
I do but I am working on making a user
post it I will when time I have!
yerp but it’s in my uncles room (live in family house) so I’m not on much but I have a question now
I must go into the store but I shall be on in 15 minutes!!
I am back
I’m hareeee
wassuper and guess what
I gots a boyfren
(hey Im back!)
I ammmmm
what’s going on...
( Eyyyyyy)
( I have good news!)
(I have good news too)
(My roleplay is back!)
(what did I miss?)
(We Harthorne girls are about to kick the New York school for boys butts😂)
Mal wants to ask Matt a couple of things...
wait omg wats happening we should rpppp
yes we should
Nova- *sighs* *She hadn't seen Clarice in awhile and her forearm was burning. She was considering getting an amputation, but that would make things worse, and she knew it*
Mal looks around for Matt
( I am back!)
Grace was pacing back and forth, very clearly debating something in her head.
Please bring Matt in!!!
Mal: Where is he?
Nova- *She still had questions about the car crash Matt was in. It wasn't only the car crash, but other things too...*
Mal: ugh... if I don't find him soon I'm going to give up!
Matt: *walks outside*
can someone summarise plz
(was sup)
Mal heads to the lake, frustrated. She runs into Matt on the way.
zee sky. or Olympus
Mal: So....
( I MA BACK!!!)
(Nothing much, really)
Grace sat down and pulled her legs in close to her. She felt lonelier than usual.
Well played Meg. 😑
( I ment am I hate Typos😅)
celesta was on her bed scrolling through Instagram.
Annabeth: ( Went on her phone and took a picture of the Garden for her Sketch)
Jessica:Great I it’s on my to do list....*she walks off who was gonna be the lucky person?*
Mal: Since you know that I like you... do you like me? *shyly looks at Matt*
(Lol! Where did everybody go?)
(awww mal)
Grace is...wow still alone. Who would have guessed.
lol Meg
Matt: let me show you *kisses mal and steps back*
Mal blushes and smiles. "Matt..."
Grace needs friends. Badly.
(I am here)
Matt: yea
( Heylo!)
Mal bites her lip...
and love the profile pic.
Mal: I... love... you......
( Thanx! I am a little obsessed with Liv and Maddie just Finished season 4 today.....)
Adrian: *walks around in the dark hall ways with sunglasses on everything was to bright for his taste*
( Hey it may be Cringy but I LIVE for my Ships!)
celesta lays down listlessly
Mal is such a shy evil person... 😂😂😂
Matt: I love you to *kisses her again*
( I serously only watch T.V. and Read books for the Ships....)
lol Adrian
Annabeth: I am bored!( she declared to herself)
Mal smiles and hugs him, feeling her heart flutter a tiny bit...
Annabeth:( went to go find Diego)
Grace was still sitting in the hall. ALONE.
( I have a ship name for Mal and Matt)
Mal leans in to Matt
Jessica:*walks around the hallways with her gun in her pocket*
Other than MALT?
( Other than MALT!!!!)
Adrian: *walks by grace not recognizing her with her hair cut*
Mal: You're amazing, Matt...
Nova- *walks outside to the forest*
Alex:*sits in the garden hugging her knees*
Grace tilted her sunglasses down a bit and watched Adrian pass her
Mal has a boyfriend!!! 😂
( The ship Name iiiiissssss mattal!!!!!)
( have to go eat dinner!!! BRB!!!)
Nova- *she developed a cure that temporarily eased tge pain in her forearm. She had to find some poison berries, and soak her forearm in lake water. She wasn't sure how it worked, but it did*
Grace. Is. Still. Alone.
Jessica:*walks around the hallways looking for someone*
my bad guys I’m here again
oh hi
mal isn’t the only one with a bf.....
Grace took out her notebook and began writing.
I have one now........
(I think most, not all, characters in the Rp have a boyfriend. 😅)
Adrian: *turn on his heel at the sound of a note book* grace???
Nova- *Accidentally stumbles on Mal and Matt*
“That would be me.” Grace said not looking up from her book
(My gurls are single pringles)
yes I do....
Adrian: your hair...
(I’m sorry, I’m jus trying to process this information😂)
“What about it?” Grace said looking confused
Nova- Um, if it's okay with you guys, can I talk with you later Matt?
(yea elisza I do 😂
Jessica:*she give sup and walks to combat waiting for someone to walk in*
Adrian: you cut it... it suits you... *he says brushing his now blackish hair to the side*
(wow...that’s new. I have a girlfriend now. I think.)
Matt: what is happening
“You’ve changed as well.” Grace said staring at Adrian with wide eyes
Brody: *finally brings himself to get out of bed
(wait what. elisza you do!,?)
Nova- *sighs* Some very strange things, Matt. And I think you have something to do with it.
( I AM BACK!!!)
Adrian: oh yea.... I guess I’m going through a “stage” *makes air quotation marks*
Matt: what did I do this time...?
elisza WHOOOOOO??????????
Annabeth: ( goes to look for Diego)
“Well, I kinda like this ‘stage’” Grace said smiling
Nova- Matt, you didn't do anything *rubs her forearm*. Please, if you can remember, where did the car crash happen?
(Her name is Zoey. And we do t actually know each other irl😂)
I’m just teasing Lizzie
Matt: um... it was in my home town ne’er wear we went
Adrian: you do?
Nova- *feels her forearm ease* Can you tell me more about that day?
“I’ll like you no matter what Adrian.” Grace said
Matt: well we’re coming back from the store it was about 6...pm...
omg matt and nova should be brother and sister but she didn’t die!!!!!!!!
Nova- Do you remember what car hit you?
(that's what I was thinking. 😂)
Adrian: *walks up to her and brushes her hair aside and kisses her cheek* I love you grace
“I love you too Adrian.” Grace said blushing a little.
Matt: a white Nissan Versa
Jessica:*sighs and makes a call*Hey.....Great....It’s Were just about to get rid of this Greene....Ya Ya Ya..Bye!*she hangs up*
( Hey Calei I made a new charater a couple weeks ago can you add him in?)
Nova- Did... Did the driver ever come up to you guys after the crash. Like, to apologize or something?
Adrian: *moves his lips to graces and kisses her*
Grace blushed even more. “Adrian! Tomato!”
omg guys want to see the cutes thing evrrrrr
Adrian: *smirks* fine I’ll stop... if you want
( Yes I want to see the cutest thing ever!)
I’ll put it in the remixs
( okey!)
Yus plz
( guys I made my friend a meme want to see?)
( he laughed so hard I became embarrased because we were in class)
“No...I just need to learn to stop blushing so much.” Grace said laughing
Adrian: your choice *smiles lightly before kissing her again*
Grace smiled, and this time managed not to blush
Jessica:Great..*she mutters and adjusts her gun in her pocke*
I know it is I don’t know what to tell him😂
You have a good boyfriend! and I cant even get one! Im a Single Pringle! but my friend likes me and she is a girl....
CAELI just pretend ur role playing. what would Cara say to brody or smth
( lol)
in wat situation?
omg yass😂 I told him I’ll love him till spongebob get his license 💖👌
( lol my friend hates pizza)
Diego: walks around**
Jessica:*walks into the hallway and bumps into Diego*
but funny thing is.... he was my ex from last year....
( ohhfffffff)
(I honestly got in relationship advice because I'm terrible with that stuff 😂)
no, not in
Annabeth: ( walks around lookin for Diego to scare him
Nova- What did your sister look like, Matt?
Matt: kinda like you but given she was little
Diego: oh I’m sorry... Jessica?
Nova- What age was she?
Annabeth: ( hides behind a wall because she sees him but talking to someone else)
sorry guys, gtg. Cya later!
Adrian: see you getting the hang of it
“I am?!” Grace said smiling a little.
Matt: I was born in he first month she was born in the 12th so same age
Adrian: yea, keep it up! *kisses her again more passionately this time*
“Agh! I can’t do it!” Grace said blushing and laughing
Adrian: you tried *laughs*
Annabeth: ( sneaks up on Diego and Jumps on his back) DIIIIIEEEEEGGGGGGOOOOOO!!! Hi!
Diego: *swears loudly* omg Annabeth jeezus
Jessica:Yup....Sorry..*her gun fell out of her pocket*
Diego: *sees the gun and shoves Jessica back grabbing it run to the security office*
(omg elisza😂😂)
Annabeth: What was that?
Jessica:Shoot..*she tackles Diego before her made it and dragged him to an empty classroom*
Annabeth: ( saw the whole thing)
Jessica:*takes her gun back and points it at Diego* Hey!
Jessica:Hey Annabeth Your staying her to or I Shoot.
Diego: *screems at Annabeth to get trey* get off me Jessica *shoves her again*
Jessica:*she puts out her knife and skims it across his leg* SHUT UP EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM!
Annabeth: ( goes quiet)
( Eyyyyyy!!!!)
“Yes I did.” Grace said
Jessica:*she grabs her gun* Everyone against the wall!
Annabeth: Jessica dont do this!
Alex:*hears the yelling* What the hëll are you doing Jess..?!?
Diego: *yells at Annabeth again* them hits Jessica in the face making her lose her tooth*
Jessica:STOP IT!*she shoots the gun barley missing Diego’s leg*
(was I fast enough?)
( this is getting ENTENCE!!)
Alex:Stop it Jess! Your a Traitor....
Annabeth: ( tears in her eyes)
Jessica:Call me what you want....This is for everyone’s good.
Diego: *leaps the the side and disarms her pointing the gun at her chest backing up* quit it Jessica, go get trey Annabeth
Annabeth: Im not leaving you!
Diego: go Annabeth it’s the only way to save us!
Jessica:*smirks*You all are so stupid...
Annabeth: ok...( Annabeth leavs the room to get Trey)
Alex:I can’t believe you Jess....I t-though...
Diego: *shoots Jessica’s shoulder* SIT DOWN
( Who is Trey? and where does she find him?)
security office
Annabeth: ( goes to the Security Office)
Jessica:*sits down* You can’t kill me...*she laughs*
Annabeth: Where is Trey?
Jessica:Buh-Bye!*she disappeared into mid air*
(omg I remember that😂😂)
( Yeah)
Alex:How dare you Shoot Jessica...*she is now holding a knife*
(to be honest I wish Diego killed her😂)
( Meh to)
( Is Alex going to kill Diego?)
Alex:Do you Hear that? Your not gonna hurt anyone.....
Diego: what did you expect me to do Alexwhat are you going to do kill me?
Annabeth: ( Still looking for Trey in the Security Office)
(I have been forgotten😢)
( no you have not!)
Matt: *walks in and sees alex* whoa calm down jeez we can’t go this far alex
Alex:No....It’s a warning...
(yes I have😂)
Annabeth: ( still in the Security office) WHERE IS TREY!!!
I’m sorry elisza there just so much I must do 😞
Alex:I don’t kill at least not anymore.
( Not Anymore!?!?)
( oookkkkkeeeyyyyy)
(Ya Alex worked in a company where she had kill)
( okkkkeeeeyyy)
Alex:*she puts her knife in her pocket*
guys I’m exsausted I must sleep like beauty
( its like 7:40 PM over here so I have to leave in an hour or so....)
good night my rp minions💖💖love you all
( I need to finish my homework because I was absent for the past two Days!)
Alex:*walks off*
Annabeth: ( comes out of the Security office and sees Alex) What did you do?
Jessica:*she appears in her dorm and locks the door she sighs how was she going to frame Greene*
Annabeth: Your " Friend "tried to Kill me and my Boyfriend!
Alex:1:She isn’t my friend 2: She won’t waste a bullet on yo.
Annabeth: But she fired a shot at Diego!
Annabeth: Also she brought out a knife
Alex:Annabeth it’s best if you forget this ever happened...*she started to walk off*
Annabeth: How can I forget?!?!
( yeup)
Alex:Really?!?? HE ALMOST KILLED JESSIE!!!!*a tear runs down her face* SHE IS ALL I HAVE LEFT!
Annabeth: HE IS ALL I HAVE LEFT!!!
Annabeth: And she almost killed him. thats somthing I will never forget!
Alex:Honey Jessie is my Sister..... We have tough tough lives it’s best for you to keep smiling if you want to see tomorrow’s
Annabeth: and he is my boyfriend!
Annabeth: She put a GUN to his head!
Alex:Whatever I really don’t want to hear it...
Annabeth: ( tears in her eyes) You dont want to hear what? how. she almost killed him?!
Alex:She only does these things to protect people.*she unlocks her dorm door*
Annabeth: No I dont I have seen WORSE!!!
Annabeth: to protect people from what!
Annabeth: What Does she do to protect these people!
Annabeth: I HAVE
Alex:That’s All I can say!*she closes the door*
Annabeth: ugh! ( Walks away to her own dorm)
Annabeth: ( Remembers Diego)
Annabeth: ( goes to look for him)
celesta spins her knife in her hand and gently scratches the blade against her forearm. red and golden blood tricked out. celesta was so confused. she was no longer a demigod so why the blood?
Mal sees a note on her desk from Samantha. It said that she had left, and the date was from a week ago. "My best friend left, and I didn't know....." Mal starts to cry...
Jessica:*she tends her wound she walks off with a wig different makeup and a different outfit making her look completely different*
Mal sobs: I'm an idiot
Mal cries and wishes that Matt was there to comfort her right at that moment...
Mal texts Sam 'Where did you leave to?'
No response
Mal: she always texts back immediately
Mal: 'Sam?'
Mal: 'please tell me... I'm soooo sorry that I'm just know seeing your note'
30 minutes later... Sam: 'ihy'
Mal:'What does that mean?'
Sam:'I hate you'
Mal: 'Why?' *a tear rolls down her cheek* / Sam: 'You're too busy chasing boys that will never love you'
Mal: 'Matt loves me. '
Sam: 'Lies. He's evil...'
Mal: 'shut up. you're wrong' / Sam: 'no I not.'
Mal: 'What's wrong with you?!' / Sam: E.V.I.L. Remember?
Memories flash into Malory's head. Sam had done this before. Mal knew that hat this time, it was going to be permanent. Mal blocks her number...
I am here!)
( heyyyyyy)
( good!)
( lolz)
( I am verry bored!)
( henlo I am back!)
(Hoi Who is on?)
Jessica:*she sits In the gardens staring at the news report*
( HOI!!!)
Annabeth: ( goes to the garden to look for Diego bus sees Jessica) Hi! do I know you?
Jessica:No! I am new here my name is Cheryl!*she says in an American accent*
Annabeth: Oh!Hey! My name is Annabeth!
Jessica:Nice to meet you Annabeth!*she smiles*
Annabeth: ( smiles)
Jessica:I better get going Annabeth!*she walks off with her knife sticking out of her purse*
Annabeth: Why d you have a knife?( she says horrified)
Jessica:That’s a great question! It’s for defense you know....I heard what happened earlier.
Annabeth: how did you hear about what happend... you only know what happend if you were THERE!!
Annabeth: and why do you have a knife for defense?
Jessica:Everyone’s been talking about it....To protect myself like I said.
Annabeth: why would people talk about it?
Jessica:Because it’s scary.....*she raises her eyebrow* Why are you acting like Sherlock?
Annabeth: I am just asking questions(puts on a fake smile)
( have to go to P.E. now bye!)
Jessica:Please Stop than.*she walks off*
Ava: rushes in throwing her suitcases to the floor* OMG guys I’ve missed you so much!
(just pretend I hadn’t come back until now 😂)
Alex:Oh hey!
Jessica:*walks around and walks up to Monika and Eva* Hey...I am new here do you know where dorms are?*she asks in disguise*
Jessica:Thanks I am Cheryl!*she smiles*
(😂I got to be play with my doges)
Jessica:Oh thank you!(cough cough was it Riverdale?)
I entered
oh I see
omg I just realized there is over 1k coments😅👍
I’m back again 😂
(Imma backkkk)
I love you all
we love youuuyyu
awwwawwwwawwwwww💖😂 #newpost @story_master. 😂😂😂😂
omg I’m all lonley😂😭
nu I am here
im still here I’m just not netfli x and my I pad at the same time 😂