This quote literally explains my life right now. Yesterday was such a fun day at donate land until when we were "late" to get on the bus home. We were supposed to be at the bus at 8:00. My group came 8:01 and we got in really deep trouble. Note this was w


This quote literally explains my life right now. Yesterday was such a fun day at donate land until when we were "late" to get on the bus home. We were supposed to be at the bus at 8:00. My group came 8:01 and we got in really deep trouble. Note this was w

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*disneyland not donate
(con) note this was in band. I used to love band and my band teacher. now I despise it. he literally looks at us differently, in a bad way, and I literally cried because he talked me and my group down so harshly. so sorry no encouraging quotes here. I can't think of any when my courage and confidence is all gone because we were freaking ONE MINUTE LATE. and that was only because of the Main Street parade at D-land.