Night sorry can't be on


Night sorry can't be on

7 0
one of my elastics for my teeth fell out
I had two put in
sorry about that
did they hurt
no surpassingly
oh do u want to chat for a bit before I go to bed?
what have you been up to
thanksgiving ( American)was today and I went to my grandma's house
oh how was it?
I also went Black Friday shopping with her ( despite it still being Thursday ) and it was the second biggest mistake of my life
it was good
1-isn't Black Friday the day after Christmas?
2-why was it a mistake?
in America it's the day after thanksgiving
isn't it weird how thanksgiving is supposed to be the day we're thankful for what we already have but the day after we go shopping
in America
it was awful being surrounded by people and I'm pretty sure I lost my morals there
ur molars?
and also it is wired
morals are what you believe is right
oh ok thx
what did u shop for
no problem
and you can probably guess the first biggest mistake
um.... I got nothing
it was dating my ex
Christmas presents
1- why didn't I think of that
2- what did you get for Christmas?
don't worry
you wanna know what America's biggest mistake is
2- Christmas hasn't come yet
1-having Trump elected
2-but if u were shopping then u would have seen, right?
I was going to say trump but him being elected was definitely the cherry on top
I was also gonna say he was god's mistake but then I remembered trump was created by the devil
yep again
2 - yes I did but that was only with my grandma and I have other relatives
what do u want for Christmas?
hey Colleen can I ask you a personal question
ya sure
what I want for Christmas? Art stuff, books , etc.
did your parents give you " the talk " yet
what's "the talk" and I'm guessing they gave u "the talk"
the talk is where they tell you how babies are made
otherwise known as " the birds and the bees"
um our school does that
oh well sometimes parents tell their kids
my mom actually gave me a very watered down version of it when I was 9 and it was so weird and I just remembered so that's why I asked you
my school did that too
oh wow
when it's ten I gtg
how many presents do u think u will get?
but yeah they did a bad job of explaining it so I didn't understand it until sixth grade
idk how many I'll get
idk I won't get much from my parents but Santa will still get me some
second question: why do you care if people find you childish? you're a great person regardless of what you like
idk I guess that being in 6th grade and still sleeping with stuffies, playing with barbies, talking to toys, etc
feels weird
do you wanna know what I was into in the sixth grade? my little pony
my point is love what you love and ignore those who try to put you down
thx sis
hey can I tell ya something
my BFF at school is dating a guy one year younger than her
is that weird?
how old are they
is she in the same grade as you
oh um 10 and 11 gr.6 and gr.5
ya we're in the same grade
it's kinda weird that they're dating at such a young age
like when you're a bit older it's not that big of a deal
I know that's what I thought too
but she's my friend and I support her
like u
ya know the song PPAP
no I don't
why do you ask
idk look it up on YouTube
it's weird but catchy
I found it
it is weird 👌I like that
ya sorry
it's no big deal ☺️
how's school
same old I guess
hey I should get going to bed luv'd chatting with u agin night
is that a good or bad thing
oh school is good night