Hello! 👋🏼😝 I'm Levi Jones, Liam Rossi's brother and am new to pic collage! 〰😉🌸👑 I am looking forward to meet some of you guys, especially cat! Anyways, I'm 16, and I'm a single Pringle. 😣💮🎉🌸🍃 So...yah? That's basically all I have to say? 
Hah, peace out.


Hello! 👋🏼😝 I'm Levi Jones, Liam Rossi's brother and am new to pic collage! 〰😉🌸👑 I am looking forward to meet some of you guys, especially cat! Anyways, I'm 16, and I'm a single Pringle. 😣💮🎉🌸🍃 So...yah? That's basically all I have to say? Hah, peace out.

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