Collage by Meditation-Club


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please stop
your kinda late but okay!
what do you mean im kinda late? i mean at least im spreading the word
also just wondering have YOU spreaded the word or no cause if not you should
I haven’t because I never got accepted to be in the mediation club in the first place
I didn’t know it was a job
I also thought, I’m not trying to me mean, that this account was going to get deleted? didn’t it say in one of the collages before this?
ya it wasn’t me tho idk why it says it
I have an announcement….
I…I did it! 😏 it was me!
but it wasn’t even that bad
it was a joke, something to give this account a little flavor, spice things up if you know what I mean 😏
bro why would you ruin it
we lost so many followers
nobody even remembers this account, if anything, I did y’all a favor, you should be thanking me