I'm not mad or sad or anything, it's just, it's boring. Adios


I'm not mad or sad or anything, it's just, it's boring. Adios

6 1
What? Your leaving? I guess I can still keep in touch with you on other media. And I'm glad it's not because you feel worthless or something. I do REALLY want you to says, but you can go if you really want to. if this is the last time that I'll ever actually talk to you then I just want you to know that you an amazing person and friend! :)
thank you pencil brush!
Np! and your kik is allibabba_two right?
oh, I got rid of kik, check out my latest post though
noooooooooooo plz don't go, at least you're not really sad or anything, and I respect your choices - I wally love your account and I will miss your posts tho☺️