My outfit for the day


My outfit for the day

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I'm not faking if u have snapchat add me and look at my story
can you follow jlkxoxo
Lies all lies...
Post a pic of you eating a sandwich, or post a pic of you cooking something. OR POST A PIC OF YOU WITH A CLOCK. If you don't have a clock that's messed up.
You are fake. Please stop! Do you realise you are making me mad! I've reported you, now I might even block you. This is serious, tell us the truth! I'm am SCREAMING right now! You know why. Because you are actually breaking the law, and I'm not lying. It is illegal to pretend to be someone you aren't. Please please PLEASE just tell us the truth! Little girl, grown woman, whatever, please just stop. You are making tons of people upset! How would you feel if someone was pretending to be you? How would you feel? My God,if you share interest in Ariana, then make posts of her! DON'T PRETEND TO BE HER! If you are seeking attention, don't pretend to be a celebrity, because all that will do is cause a giant riot. Think about it, if you continue to impersonate Ariana, people will continue to comment on your posts. But if you be yourself and admit, people will forgive you and no one will get upset, mad no one will report you, block you, all that good stuff. Also, if you are going to make the choice to continue pretending I will report all of your posts, and possibly block you. Do you realise I am typing this comment just for you! Yes, it's for you, because I don't want you to get in trouble. Your posts affected how many people? Yeah. So just stoping causing all this stuff, you no longer have to pretend! I'm being serious about this, and I don't care how long this comment is, all I care about right now is your account. Thanks for reading.
you are
you are so true!😂
plus it's not moon-light-bea its moonlightbae
@Aroyalpain you tell 'em, girlfriend!
Lol, ya. I'm just so annoyed about her not realising she's perfect as herself.
Snapchat doesn't prove anything!!!!!!!!
YES! Social media is not real life.
hi!! I wanted to let u know that NOBODY believes u! BAE plz just be URSELF!! don't try to be someone ur not!😊 srsly why would u go through ALL this trouble just be urslef!!💕✨ sry if any of my comments were rly rude!😭💦
plus this is your outfit for the bang bang video...not today.
I just wanna be ur friend cause I already got like 2 hate pages already and sry for saying this already
guys just leave her alone! she's probably the real one or she's not
she's just trying to be ur friend she's not trying to kill u or saying that u suck!
we may never now but I bet that there are more fake accounts from celebrities than this one so stop bothering her and go bother another fake celebrity account
fake but cool
can you follow me