H-hi! Iiiim S-S-uscy


H-hi! Iiiim S-S-uscy

4 0
Error: you look wonderful
aww this is cute
Toby(me): howdey!
Chara : I’m stronger than y’all
Chara : yes I am
Chara : I made u r just a glitch u have the soul of sans but glitched not mine nobody has mine even your father
is a sans soul that’s why ha looks like him
mum you are sooo dume
Chara : u don’t even know your self fool
Chara : * makes a scary face * do u wanna get deleted ?!
Chara : then ! be quiet!
Error: hey Chara
Chara : what !?
?Suscy:yep heheh
Error: lol