Hey guys please go follow shadowchaos he is really new and needs more followers


Hey guys please go follow shadowchaos he is really new and needs more followers

85 1
Hey! It's me,colour_creative! I've been finding it hard to find cool fonts,collected items and ideas for my account. It would mean a lot to me if YOU could help me out and give me some advice(cus I'm fairly new). Come to my account for some cool comps,collages and help me with some stuff!😎 Thanks a heap!!!😝😃😋
yeah I haven't got it yet but is is like worth it,cus I don't want to get it and it be a waste of time and storage?
Somebody said to get it to me the other day
cool,does it do other stuff? sorry,I'm acting so picky!!
oh wow! thanks for all of your help!!!👍👍😃😃😝😝
oh and just one more thing... where do you get all of your cool pics and how long did it take you to get so many followers?!?
I made you an icon because you were my 300tg follower! it's on my page if you want it!!!!!
you probably won't but I truly need a shout out💦 I'm the old awk_grande_girl ✨🤘🏻 and I'm new 4 this account