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are you okay?!
Do you need to talk about something?
no, I've just been cutting and yeah. fml
aw :( is there anything I could do to help? I know self harm is a bîtch
Your back!! Omg what happened?! Tell me!!
And please don't cut ever again!! Pleaseeeee
i tried to stop it I can't.. i mean I could use any help I can get and yeah
Throw away the stuff you cut with please..
i don't wanna
hey. I just wanted to thank you for coming on my page and liking my collage, because it brought be to your page. I don't even know you, but are you okay?
np! ur page is awesome and yeah.. well, I'm not okay, I'm struggling with selfharm and yeah
don't hurt you self plz! and don't go on private!