Collage by SammieJr_


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aw no it's awful I'm gross 😂💗
Ewww your not💛
well thank you sir 💗
It's fine💛Wanna tell me about yourself then, pretty Brooklyn?:)
well I'm not very interesting, I'm 17, single and straight. I have no friends :( and I have an older brother. I speak fluent Spanish too :)
I'm Sammie, I'm 16, am from London, I have a cat called Rocco, I live with my parents, I'm a writer and I play football:)
ooo yes I'm from Brighton :)
and yes your writing is amazing
Brighton, ooooo:) and thank you v much x
mm 💗 and cats are cuties 😍
I'm a cat then😍
oh yes definitely:)
such a cutieee😍
certainly:) you are definitely cuter than most cats I've seen, except mine 😇
*blushes, flicking my hair* meow
aw cutie *messes up your hair and pokes your nose*
*smiles, laughing*
rawr *grins and laughs quietly*
fiestyy *winks, laughing*
duh *grins up at you and winks back, letting out a little giggle*
ahah, *gets up* shall we go places?
we shall *gets up and smiles* where shall we be going?
*smiles* anywhere? how about a drive through the country?
sounds amazing *smiles putting my hand out to you*
*takes her hand, squeezing it and smiling*
*kisses your cheek and smiles* well let's go then
*opens the door*
*walks outside and holds it open for you*
so, are you going to drive? *looks at you and smiles*
yeah *smiles, turning the key*
*watches you and hums quietly under my breath*
*slowly drives, turning down the radio, through the dusty fields and paths, putting a hand on her thigh, as I drive* so, you ok?
*nods watching out the window, smiling down at your hand*
good good, you on your spring/Easter break down then? *smiles*
*nods* yeah, you?
*smiles, nodding* mhm, I hope you have a lovely Easter break. You say you want an opinion on writing? Yeah? do ya mind letting me read your words then?:)
I posted it :) and you too, are you doing anything nice? *plays with my fingers, watching out the window*
*smiles* it's really good, your writing. Urmm, no, not doing much apart from a bit of shopping on Thursday, then chills, I think? Yourself?
same, seeing some friends. Literally nothing else *links my fingers with yours*
*looks at our hands, grinning* you have friends? I'm surprised *laughs*
Ya calling me mad? *Raises an eyebrow, turning to her* I think your the maddest
no not really *laughs and gasps sarcastically* got more friends than you, boo
boo? who says anything about being "your" boo? *raises both eyebrows*
everyone's my boo, everyone loves me *grins and laughs*
*Bites my lip* but do you love them?
ew no people are gross, no one even loves me *pouts and looks at you dramatically*
*gasps* how can nobody love someone as perfect as youu!!
perfect is the opposite of me sir *pokes your nose gently*
*shakes my head* I want to think otherwise!
well you are the only person who has ever called me perfect or even pretty *laughs* soooo maybe you are the only one who thinks so *plays with your hand* but my cat likes me so it's fineee
what's your cat called? *smiles*
Matty *smiles and looks out the window*
mines called Rocco
I know *giggles and strokes your hand* it's a pretty cool name,
it takes after me then *bites my lip*
it sure does *smiles* you bite your lip a lot *giggles and rubs my thumb along your bottom lip, then returns to looking out of the window*
yeah ah, lip biting is what I'm good at, besides thinking of you *laughs* how cringe
cringy cutie *giggles slightly* well don't bite your lip because all the ladies love it
I won't bite my lip then, I know ya get jealous
oh yes definitely, I gotta have you all to myself *grins and taps my foot in tune with the radio*
well that's good cos I don't like sharing too *smiles*
well luckily for you, no one else talks to me *laughs*
I bet that's not true!! *rolls my eyes playfully*
I have 0 friendss *pouts leaning back* and no one cuddles me
*slowly parks up the car in a dusty pathway* nobody cuddles you, huh?
I know, it's a disaster. Cuddles are my favourite
*bites my lip, grinning*
hey what did I say about lip biting *taps your nose and unclips my seatbelt, crossing my legs to face you*
*takes off my seatbelt, looking in her eyes*
*blushes a little, looking back into yours for a second*
*glances away* morning
morning Sammie. *looks at my hands and nibbles my lip*
I'm off shopping in like 10/20 minutes but I'll be back after then *smiles* but I can talk for a bit now?
have a nice sleep *taps the wheel*
I'll be around, I'm not at home so o don't have great connection x
yes thanks, you? *watches you and smiles a little*
*smiles* yeah thank you, I'm back. Heyy
*smiles and nods* I missed you *laughs a little and fiddles with the ends of my hair*
*leans over, to kiss her cheek* missed ya more
*giggles and shakes my head* I missed you the most sir *takes his hand gently*
*squeezes her hand, shall we get out and go for a walk* soo, how's the weather where you are
*nods, getting out of the good* warm finally, although British weather can be a nightmare
true, loving the warm weather though *holds out my hand*
*nods and takes your hand starting to walk and look around*
*smiles* you're cute.
*shakes my head* no that's you *kisses your nose and starts skipping up a hill*
*jogs after her, smiling*
*grabs a small flower from the ground and places it in your hair smiling*
*laughs* Heyy
you look prettyyy *laughs and hugs your waist*
*wraps my arms around her* I always do
I know I know *laughs and kisses your chest*
*smiles, sitting on the grass* can we flak
of course *sits next to you* what's wrong?
nothing's wrong.. I'm scared that if I say something, I'll loose our friendship though. *pouts looking xown*
tell me *takes your hand gently* I promise it won't affect anything
*looks at her, then at our hands* I think I'm catching feelings for you..:
*blushes bright red, squeezing your hand reassuringly* really?
Yeah.. I didn't wanna say anything, just in case you didn't feel the same and it got awkward *looks down*
*kisses your cheek and lifts your chin to look at me* well I think I do.. but I think you are mad because you have some very beautiful girls that are interested in you, you could do a lot better
I don't want other girls. they're not as half as beautiful as you *smiles gently*
*blushes bright red and looks down, playing with your hand*
if I'm not what you want, then tell me..:
no.. you are perfect.. I'm just scared that you will regret taking an interest in me, honestly the other girls are gorgeous, and more exciting than me *giggles quietly*
I regret one thing, and that's telling you sooner
*looks into your eyes, pulls you close*
*pushes her onto her back, sitting gently on her waist, drawing circles on her neck* now what do we do?
*blushes relaxing, letting you do as you please* whatever you want
*sits* w..will you be my girlfriend?..
*giggles and nods* of course I will
I love you.
I love you too 💘
you are an incredible guy *kisses your cheek*
I'm really not *laughs, kissing hers back*
think you should make a post about mee❤️
*pecks your bottom lip nervously*
I will, I think you should make one about me 🌝💗💗
I posted it :)
YAY, I will❤️❤️
:) 💖
studying :( you?
not a lot, what ya studying
English :)
I love English :)
Do ya?:)
what's wronggg ? *frowns and kisses your pout gently*
you... cuddling and stuff with other boys
okay, it won't happen anymore. I haven't actually talked to any other guys since you asked me out. I'm all yours *kisses your cheek*
No, don't leave *pouts*
*looks down and plays with my fingers* I love you loads Sammie
yeah ok..
I'm just going to leave.. I don't understand why you are mad. you asked me not to talk to other guys so I'm not.. *frowns and glances up at you, sighs and walks off*
... w..wait.. don't go.
I don't want there to be loads of drama, and I know you are mad so I'm just going to leave. *sighs shakily* you don't need me anyway Sammie.. 💔💜
no, don't go *runs after her, holding her hands that are shaking* yeah, I need you, stop being daft. I love you.
*looks at you and blushes shyly, then looks down* I'm sorry for all this..
for all what?.
all this drama I caused *looks down and hugs you nervously*
it's ok, you didn't do anything anyway *kisses the top of her head* yeah, it's fine
am I allowed to.. uhm.. *goes a bit red and mumbles* kiss you?
mhm, you sure you haven't kissed any other boys *rolls eyes*
I'm so fûcking done Sammie. I haven't spoken to any other boys! *eyes water* how much of a slût do you think I am?! I'm leaving this fûcking app. I really loved you. So thanks I guess.
don't bother replying, my account is scheduled for deletion
no.. don't..
you obviously want me to. I'm not fûcking stupid and it's too late. I don't know why haven't forgiven me, you can read through my remixes, I haven't spoken to anyone except you since we got together.
you don't understand. I love you, I don't want you to go. at all, I love you.
if you loved me you wouldn't have said that.. *tears up a little*
said what.. oh my god *sits down putting my head into my hands* I get jealous, all the time.. my uncle died recently, of an heart attack and we were close, like really close, and it made me realise that if you get too attached to someone and then they get taken away from you, then you have nobody and that it hurts.. I do love you, Brooke. I really do.
you're right.. I am a bîtch.. I'm really sorry.. you aren't going to loose me, but you have to be able to trust me.. it hurts me that you think of me as the sort of person who would cheat on you..
I trust you, I do.. last experiences tho..
well it's too late, my account is going to delete at some point you can't go *looks at her, then at me holding her arm* don't go.. don't leave me.. I need you
you'll be happier without me.. I promise *kisses your cheek and walks away*
*runs after her, catching her arm, pulling her into my knees, holding her, pressing my lips against the back of her head* I don't want to be happier, I want to be with you. I love you, babe, stop being daft, now. you know I love you
*sniffles softly and looks down* I love you too..
don't leave me then..