✨Quote is from the song Paris by The Chainsmokers✨


✨Quote is from the song Paris by The Chainsmokers✨

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aww, you love ❤️ your friends.
thank you ❣️
😓😢😞😣💕 this is nice btw😌👏🏻👏🏻💕
Thank you! idk 😂
OMG I AM CRINGING SO MUCH! I DONT WANT TO SEEM MEAN BUT MY FRIEND IS LIKE,"YAY TRUMP! TRUMP IS AWESOME!" like she is such a Trump supporter and I'm 'okay' with that. but why is she talking terribly on Hillary, the Obamas, and other people that don't necessarily like Trump. like I'm so triggered. like please stop. like stop saying that trump is the right person. stop. please. she doesn't know the things he has done. she saying that Hillary's husband is disgusting for harassing. TRUMP HARRASSED WOMEN AND SAID THAT IF HIS DAUGHTER WERENT HIS DAUGHTER HE WOULD BE DATING HER!
I'm so triggered
I can't. please stop trashing on other people when you love a trashy person. not you by the way. 'her' and for every thing that she says that Trump's good at I'm just like,"no he isn't he(harassed other woman, became bankrupt, got into several lawsuits and is still in several lawsuits, is racist because he ran a company where he denied to sell apartments to African Americans and Latinos)
and np! I just saw your comment 😂😅💕
Thank you💖💖 I love this song
oh my gosh I love that song under the go listen to it right now I love this it's so simple and cute