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UGGGHH the stupid 2016 freaking elections wow today in class we had a warm up bout it and here's my thing Trump the President-Elect (he moves in January 20th 2017) but he wants to send anchor baby's back (that means both parents were born in Mexico) well yep and my friends are anchor baby's 😭 how depressing well my friend Andy is now depressed bc his uncle is getting deported back to Mexico (He was illegal) yep express your thoughts Idc but dint be really rude
aww!! so sad one of my friends is Spanish and is from Mexico and she is amazing
Ughhhh... trump I can't even with this electionπŸ˜‘πŸ˜ž
I am legit crying I am so mad 😭😭
can you try and finish our Paige collab please
aw I'm so sry😭
what do you mean? and I'm really sorry if I'm bringing this up at the wrong time and don't want to do it rn
So true though😭😭😭
She hates me too. But that's okay. I don't really want to befriend a person who thinks LGBT is disgusting
I know. It's sad what some people say.
oh that's cool I guess πŸ˜‚
Emma I can't take it anymore I'm sorry it got to far it's for the best
EMMA I'm leaving no one can talk me out of it
I just can't take the hate anymore
DM-editz is just treating me like nothing
I'm sorry
I just have to do what's best 😭
agreed like seriously ppl
Hey this is Trinity's mom and she is no longer allowed on PC for a while because it's just tearing her down she was crying last night because of what someone said to her.
can I join your Aldc sqaud