Hey guys! About kik, it looked like a good idea at the time but now it's getting crazy. People are texting me every second of the day expecting me to answer right away. Guys please note that I am very busy most of the day and I rarely even have time to ch


Hey guys! About kik, it looked like a good idea at the time but now it's getting crazy. People are texting me every second of the day expecting me to answer right away. Guys please note that I am very busy most of the day and I rarely even have time to ch

185 1
Harry b-day
awwwww u are such an awesome friend
hey @0fficialkenzieziegler is faking me yes with a 0 not an o 😂 and she's stealing my pictures and collages 😒 can u tell her to stop and help me?!?! oh Kendall wants to get Starbucks with us 😂 see ya!
hey maddie your birthday is in 4 days!! I can't believe it!! I don't know if I'll be able to be on so happy early birthday!!!💕
LOL😘 Your amazing