An amazing collage with _rae she is so amazing and did the amazing text!!!go follow her she is so sweet and awesome love this girl one of my besties!!


❤️❤️❤️TAPPY❤️❤️❤️ An amazing collage with _rae she is so amazing and did the amazing text!!!go follow her she is so sweet and awesome love this girl one of my besties!!

43 0
soooo pretty❤️
beautiful collab💕
hi! so, I’m running an experiment: does self advertising actually work? if you want to weigh in in the results, could you come enter my icon contest? you might have to scroll just a little bit, but the due date is September 6 and I would love to see more entries!!! (sorry for the self advertising and the terribleness that this generally is) - hopeful_editor14
thanks!💕 lots of practice😂
I would love to collab, but I just don’t have any more time for more collabs. I’ll let you know when I do though!
Sure of course. what would you like me to draw? and what colours would you like me to use?
ok when can we start? and chat page on my acc or yours
Round 2 Results are up! Did u make it through? Come check it out!
Pinterest Username Contest on my page! Please enter! BTW I love ur bio style
IM SORRY, YOU COMMENTED ON MY LOVEDFLOWER SHOUTOUT POST BUT I TOTALLY DIDNT SEE IT TILL JUST NOW. you were so sweet but I didn’t even get to respond, my apologies❤️
but thank you so much!! I don’t know if I’ve told you this but I love your account!!
collab is hella pretty 😍 love thissss
Hey everyone! -sunflowerkisses- is going through a really hard time. Please go show her that she is loved!!! And as always let me know if you or someone you know needs help or advice. ❤️❤️❤️
**✨copy and paste message ✨**hey there awesome collager!!!👋🌸 i’m currently doing an icon contest for 1k followers (yay) anyways it would mean a lot if you came and checked it out the winner will have a shoutout in my bio and a spam of likes thanks!!!💖🌸🐚🌿✨
Hey Chey! We haven’t talked in a while..how r u?
my favourite themes would have to be like the seasons or smt
we could do fall or winter
whoa your so talented I love this
btw I miss you so so much bestie!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
come enter my contest!
* copy and paste * Hey everyone! I’m back! Spread the word!❤️❤️❤️