


23 38
hi I'm tina 😊
hey Tina I'm jack(:
how are you jack *smiles innocently*
I'm doing good*smiles back softly*
that's good*smiles an looks up at you*
*blushes lightly smiling*
*smiles down at you*
you're so tall *giggles*
thank you?*chuckles*
I feel so tiny!*whines an makes grabby hands at you*up up!
*chuckles*tiny girl*picks you up
*nods blushing an holds onto you tight*
*holds you*
*looks at you innocently*
whatt*kisses your nose*
*plays with your hair*lets play truth or dare!
ooh funn*sits on couch putting you down
*smiles*okay you first!
truth or dare?
uhh I dare you to kiss the next door neighbor*laughs
eww! I'd rather kiss you*covers my mouth quickly*
*laughs*you have tooo*gets up*
*mumbles* I don't want my first kiss with some stranger
you have too little one*walks out*come on
b-but *pouts* can I just kiss you? pwease
fineeee*comes back in closing door
*laughs and sits*
*hops on you*
*looks at you holding your hips*
*leans in slowly blushing*
*kisses you holding your face softly*
*kisses you softly shutting my eyes*
*kisses gently*
*kisses pulling away softly
*turns red an looks at you*
awhhh your all red*smiles and kisses your cheeks*
*whines an hides my face*
what's wrong little one
I'm so red*giggles an blushes* an I like when you call me little one
can *swallows*can I kiss you again ?
*kisses you gently*
*kisses you*
*kisses gently*
*kisses gently laying down*
*gets on you softly while kissing*
*kisses gently an holds your face*
*kisses putting your hand on my bxxb on accident*
*leaves it there and kisses
*kisses harder blushing*
*grabs it softly
*moans softly*mm
*moans an tilts my head back*mm jack
*massages throws your shirt
*looks up at you innocently,*
*stops*uh let's play
*looks down at my bra then at you*d-did I do something wrong? *covers up reaching for my shirt*
*shakes head*
then why do you want to stop..?
*shrugs*i wanted to play more
oh..*sits up an puts my shirt on*
*looks down*
what's wrong
*stands up an walks to the kitchen*
*gets up*i guess imma go
no!*runs after you*
what why?
because I really like you I like spending time wit you
but why were you sad
because you stopped kissing me..I thought you just weren't into me
I am
y-you are?
*blushes an hugs your waist*
*kisses you gently*
*kisses softly*
*kisses harder*
my lips hurt*kisses
*pulls away an pouts*
*puts hands on lips
I'm sowwy*pouts*
it's okayyyyy
I'm gonna go..*sighs an gets up an walks to the door*
you like someone else there's no point in staying *opens the door*
madie *mumbles*
she's my bestfriend.
sure whatever *walks out*
okay?*sighs and sits down on couch*
*walks on the sidewalk*
*turns on tv
*sits and gets in car and drives to club
*walks to a bar*
*gets in and drinks
*walks in an sees you*
*drinks getting drunk
*walks to you*
*drinks and tells the waitress*its very hot in hereeee*takes off shirt
*gasps an giggles*jack what are you doing!
it's hotttt*drinks*
*covers you up
no nooo*laughs and drinks spilling it all over my abs
*squeals an giggles*yummy!*licks it up an gags*yucky!
*kisses your abs once then blushes an hiccups*
*chuckles and drinks more*
can I have sooome
no noooo*drinks*mineee
*pouts an tugs at your jeans*i wanna be dwunk toooo
noooo*drinks and falls to floor laughing
*whines an pulls you up*
*gets a drink an chugs it quickly*yayyyy!
*drinks and lays on floor*hellloooooo0*says to everyone
*covers your mouth giggling*
helloooo*laughs and drinks
*squeals an pulls you onto a back room*no stooop
heelloo*yells and laughs
*kisses you hard trying to muffle your yells*
*laughs against your lips*hellooooooo!*girl walks in*
*kisses more giggling then turns to see her*
*laughs and drinks*
*kisses at your neck whispering*tell her to leave
leaveeeeeeee*laughs and drinks*
*giggles an watches her go an sucks on your sweet spot*
*giggles an sucks*
bubby kissy
*kisses you
*kisses back*
*bounces on youI
*hums an wiggles on your dxck drinking*
*grinds fast an moans softly*mm jack
*grinds faster*
m-maybe we shouldn't do this*gulps*
*moans softly*w-why not
b-because I-I've never done this before*gulps
really..?*blushes*m-me either I'm kinda scared
well let's just go home
okay*gets up and grabs shirt
*holds your hand walking out
*walks out
*walks with you*
*gets in car
*gets in
*drives home
*gets out
*gets out an walks inside
*walks in
*pulls you to the couch*
*sits on couch
*kisses you softly whispering drunkly*baby lets have sxx
nooo I is scared I might get you pregnant
condoms baby condoms*kisses you all over*
I don't knowwww
come onnn*grabs one an giggles*
what if I mess upppp and your drunk
you won't *hiccups*
your drunkkk
nuh uh!*pouts rubbing my eyes*
I'm not lying!
*pouts an kisses you*
*kisses back
*snuggles you
*pouts an kisses you more*
*kisses you*
*kisses harder*
*holds your face kissing
*kisses with more force an holds onto your shoulders*
*kisses you against wall
*kisses harder an presses against you*
*kisses an mumbles*jack
*kisses more an murmurs* I want you to be mine
what about the other guy*pouts against your lips*
*sighs softly pulling away* I don't know yet
okay then go with him
no no *pouts* that's not what I meant
what did you mean then
I meant at I don't know if I like him
we'll figure it out I guess
he doesn't talk to me much okay I really like you
okay then
*pouts an sighs getting off you* just forget what I said
*puts my head down*
I guess imma go
no don't please
because I don't want you too
because why
because I said so
*sits on floor*im bored
then play with me give me kissy an cuddles
*looks at you*
*looks down*s-sorry
it's fine.*gets up and walks to door*have a nice life
no don't go!
not like you had feelings for me.*walks to car
I-I do *runs after you*i can't like two people at once
yeah you can't your just gonna hurt someone. might as well be me in used to it.*openss door
that's not fair! you probably like someone else too
who?*puts stuff in and gets in*
someone ! anyone is better than me so it's kinda inevitable
no one actually
*looks at you* you're not serious right
I'm serious but who cares
no no please jack
guess your not a virgiń? don't fxcking talk to me*walks out* you had zero feelings for me. I can't believe I felt for your stupid little lies.
I am a virgin I haven't done it yet! is that what you want to do it with me! then just do it
*pulls you to me*if you want this take me
I don know your just gonna leave me or cheat on me
wow *looks down* you have so much trust in me don't you?
you know you like the other guy.
I like both of you
we'll figure out who you want
I can't just choose...
why your scared to loose one of us? don't worry you already did.
n-no jack please I can't just choose *whimpers sad*
because I don't want to do that right now!
then don't.honestly I'm tired of this.
fine go then you didn't even care!
I do but whatever.have fun.*walks out to car