I like how sometimes strangers give you more support then your friends do


I like how sometimes strangers give you more support then your friends do

8 0
yeah but don't worry you'll be all right don't lose hope plz... you'll make it you just have to try even if it's means no sleep so what!? drink some coffee
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Thx I needed that
np btw I love ur profile
Thanks. #JaceNormanForLife
what's ur dream what do U want to be not what ur parents want u to be but what do U want to be
whatever it is... U CAN DO IT
Yeah I know but they keep getting in the way
but what do u wana be?
Fame is my dream.
Writter, actor, artist, any thing else
me too. what do THEY want u to be?
I don't know. not famous for sure
What type of famous do u want to be?
why don't they want u to be famous?
They think it's too dangerous hold on ill remix u