Everybody who comes a crossed this collage has to do it


Everybody who comes a crossed this collage has to do it

8 2
😆 (in a good way)
My doctor told me I probaly have dermatillomania after my mom took me to the hospital
My mom has been terrified of me these past few months because all I every do is pick
idk what that is
I miss talking to you
school is a beeyotch
Because I still really really love you ;-;
I miss talk to you and rp ;-;
Ik ;n;
I promise I'll take more time out of my day to talk with you
love you lotsssss :^:
can you please sneak getting Kik?
or just ask your parents again
there's cool people I want you to meet ;-;
you'll love them to pieces
I am afraid to ask them
that's how I was because I wasn't aloud to either
just tell him that *insert name of one of your irl friends* can only text you through Kik and tht you want to text them
or maybe even say that you want your friends Kik so If you ever forget homework you can ask him/her to send a picture of it
well if you get it, my name is InterstellarVulpes
my mom will tell me just text her
just try D:
can you go on FR soon?
I miss yhu
we can RP ;-; Idc I just want to make sure you've been okay
how am I popular
I'm on FR
we keep missing eachother
go on TS instead so I can actually wait for you
then when we meet eachother we will go to fr
I'm on now I had to go off my phone earlier