Edit request for @MidnightxSky
I really apologize if it's not satisfactory; I have to be honest I had no idea what I was doing when I made it; please let me know if you want anything to be changed or added ;) I also just realized there's barely an


✨taps✨ Edit request for @MidnightxSky I really apologize if it's not satisfactory; I have to be honest I had no idea what I was doing when I made it; please let me know if you want anything to be changed or added ;) I also just realized there's barely an

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caption cont: any yellow in it lol sorry💜
^ i agree it's so nice to look at !!
yw 💚
Aaahhhhhhhhh this is so beautiful!!!!!!♥️♥️♥️
oh please, I look forward to all of your edits, and honestly, you did lovely on this one as well!! I'm seriously considering using it as a wallpaper. Thank you so much, sorry to trouble you <3