Hey guys! This collage represents my optimism that by the the end of March I will have at least 250 followers. Now I know that's very likely not to happen, but a girl can dream right!!!???


🍿TAP🍿 Hey guys! This collage represents my optimism that by the the end of March I will have at least 250 followers. Now I know that's very likely not to happen, but a girl can dream right!!!???

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im actually looking at my account now and i have alot of keep calm collages! lol
sorry what?
o sorry didn't even think of that.
why cant Irish ppl stay calm.
ha ha just curious I've never met or talked to a person who's Irish before
ha ha ha ok ill keep that in mind.
When did u move to the US?
ya thats what I meant. Wow thats young for a big move. Did he have relatives in the US or something or did they move there just because?