Meow said the dog


Meow said the dog

21 0
Wanna chat
I'm booored
when was UR last day of school
two weeks ago. its mid semester. Americans have their summer holidays while I'm shivering in Winter ;-;
U poor thing!! * hugs to keep U warm * here have some hot cocoa
What contry
My sis Anna is homeschooled and she went back JULY 6th
thx! I wuv hot cocoa and coffee!! ☕️
np! As my duty as princess, I must keep U happy
so wyd
I hate school
I was texting my friend. I also hate school. everyone hates me there ;-;
So I have to teach her during summer
When my moms not avaliblr
Me too. R u in Australia?
I'm a California/Maine/Different Countries girl
I've moved all across the globe
I'm Korean but we moved to Australia when I was a baby
cool I was born in San Josè
I may move back to Maine in October
staying in Australia. it's better than Korea
The kids there Accualy kinda like me
I'm pretty unpopular every where 😂. probably cause I'm not exactly attractive. and I'm Asian so that's not helping me be attractive cause I look 8 years old
I have a crush on an Asian boy and I'm white
the only things about me that are attractive are my hips, curves, bútt and
oversized boóbs
rly? well he's lucky to be attractive. I'm not ;-;
he kinda isn't
I like him for his heart
and hair
my face is shīt
it's really hawt
and gelly
lol ok
maybe if I continue my anime looking hair then some girl will like me 😂
hmmmmm remix to me on an old collage a pic
U can cover UR face with a box or somethin
I don't wanna peer pressure U into it tho
fine but after u see it I'm deleting it
done I saw it U have good hair
OMG for a sec I thougt u blocked me
thx! my hair sorta gets in my face all the time so I can't show it probably
rly why?
it said collage wasn't avalible
hey can u help me
yeah I deleted it. and what help do u need?
im looking for recipes on pc and I need help Plz
I'm looking for healthy desserts
I don't think any desserts are healthy 😂😂. plus I don't cook much so I'm no expert on desserts
No silly look up recipes on pc
only food comes up when I search
*pictures of food
I've looked for about an hour
why don't u do it
My fingers are sore from scrolling
well then how am I supposed to find anything if u didn't find anything
I'm voice typing btw
U r one of the bestest friends I've ever had! *gives u a friendly noogie*
hehe thx
Np! Why r u laughing?
u don't have to search anymore
I found some
Have u ever eaten raw ketchup
u on bruh
I'm gonna sleep
Night. *waves goodbye*
I choose happiness
u can't be happy without money ;-;