@MoodBoardAesthetics DAN & PHIL - BLUE/AQUA N WHITE 
(Not really sure what colour scheme I've gone for here lol)


@MoodBoardAesthetics DAN & PHIL - BLUE/AQUA N WHITE (Not really sure what colour scheme I've gone for here lol)

27 0
this is awesome!
is this a coincidence? I watched a million of their videos today!
omg for real??? I've been a major stan of dan and phil for years I love them so much haha
yeah...they're cool. I've been reading rants and making rants and reading articles to rant on and I just realize how much people can suck.
like, take a look at this jerk.
ugh I hate it when people thing that they're superior to others. like newsflash, we're all human. no one is better than anyone else. I could rant about this all day too haha
I think all people, including Asians, should stick together.
exactly! who cares about race, beliefs, likes, dislikes whatever. people need to get over their prejudices and learn that everybody is different, and that's beautiful.
This is adorable and amazing