Collage by JailynThoman-extras


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why are people so mean
I don’t know
I didn’t do anything wrong now I’m the bad guy
I’m sure your not the bad guy
I am
no ya not
should I leave this app
well people like to be mean to other people
I know
why do they do it
it probably gives them something to do
yeah but I only joined yesterday and I only wanted to make friends
yeah it’s sad
well I don’t want to talk anything
me either
don’t leave it’s ok Austin if you ever need anything I’m here for you
ignore the h8ters
ok thank you
ok thx🙂
was I ever a hater Austin I know you're pretending to forgive me
no I’m not
I forgive you
if I was you I would never forgive myself
you said sorry and sorry means sorry so I forgive you😊
and I really mean that sorry
I'm sad about everything
it’s ok Jena
I forgive you
I peeked 🙃
first this second my moms sad Cuz her grandma died and then my sister is best friends grandma died and then a doctor died today and my grandma was gonna come visit and canceled it and my cats gone and I'm sick I don't no what's going on and everyone I told you who died they all died from corona and it's really sad 😕😕😥😥
sorry I meant my sister is best friends grandpa died
don’t feel bad
it’s ok you cat will come back they always do🙂
no my mom gave him away
and then that lady threw her in the middle of nowhere
oh I’m sorry I would give you one of my cats if you lived beside me
can you tell your girlfriend that I'm so sorry
oh maybe he’ll come back to you then he is probably trying to find you now
she saw
who me
what I’m talking to Jena
bye Austin I have to go have desert 🍪🍪🍩🍩🍩🍰🍰
oh ok
bye Jena
not me