Pro Ana and pro Mia blogs are awful stop


Pro Ana and pro Mia blogs are awful stop

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umm why would you follow me if the only post of mine you actually looked at, you commented something completely unnecessary?
I'm not meaning to sound offensive at all but I find it extremely rude that you would do that..
okay so the other user informed me that they commented "5sos isn't punk"
well, that isn't an offensive comment, that's just a fact
I don't see how that comment can be perceived as rude?
because you bluntly stated your opinion on something you could've just left alone.
don't say "you" because I haven't commented anything,
it's not an opinion, it's a fact
and I never said it was offensive I said it was rude that you would bluntly comment something on a post that obviously you didn't have to look at
and if it could be left alone I don't get all the fuss about one comment
I. did. not. comment. on. your. post.
Well you stated your opinion so I stated mine.
if they decided to comment on your post, they had their reasons.
it's a social network, you can't accept people to not comment
people state opinions, it's called freedom of expression
does the fact that 5sos isn't punk disturb you?
since you keep using the word "you" I'm gonna stop answering, obviously you didn't grasp the concept
I was checking out your account is that a crime?¿
It's not that, It's the fact that I told you how I felt nicely and you are dragging out a argument that isn't needed. So I apologize if what I said was offensive to you. next time I'll make sure that I just ignore your comments.
This isn't directed toward whoever you are personally it's directed to who commented on it.
they aren't punk you should search up punk music cause they aren't I actually listen to punk music so if anyone needs to do research it's you
and they aren't your life savers you saved your own life and should be proud of that