Next week I'll go on an adventure to Dubrovnik in Croatia yay πŸ™Œ


Next week I'll go on an adventure to Dubrovnik in Croatia yay πŸ™Œ

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this is lovely! where was the picture taken?
I love this, and have fun!
uuh croatia how nice
WARNING ⚠️ (copy and paste message) Sorry to annoy you but my collage isn’t posting. Can someone please help me? Thanks, -simplicity (Also, feel free to delete this message) Nice collage by the way!
yeah I know swissgerman is hard to understand but for me it’s fun cause I understand the german people but they donβ€˜t really understand meπŸ˜‚
aw thank u, I love this
how cool! you take great travel pics!!
What book are you gonna read? πŸ“š
And ty!