How to: Reject a Guy

Post #1
I really hope this helps! Any more questions?


How to: Reject a Guy Post #1 I really hope this helps! Any more questions?

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thanks a lot💕
the guy that i likes always says he hates me and talks about me. my friends confronted him and told him to apologize for everything that's happened over the past year, and he said he never talked about me or said he hated me. what do we do?
CAN U SOLVE MY PROVLEM!?!, so i was walking to my next class and my crush called my name and hes ike "can i talk to you for a second?" and im like "yeah, but be quick cause i have to go to my next class"and he STARTS BLUSHING i was like, oh no, (CAUSSE I STARTED BLSUHING OUTTA NO WHERE TOO!!!) u know what he does? he FRICKIN HOLDS MY HAND, I FREAKEd OUT SO i siad "um...i, uh, oh look at the time!" i laughed nervously AND I THINK I HURT HIS FEELINGD. BUT IDK WHAT TO DO ANYMORE
howto ask a gal out?