If you guys didn't know, pitch is my brother.


If you guys didn't know, pitch is my brother.

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haha...funny story. My brother is acculy the hacker. 😁 He asked me how I liked being hacked and I asked him how he knew about that and then he started laughing and said that he was the hacker. He's such a bully. (he's also an acter) but ya, the character is your brother. I thought I should tell you that😬 heh
oh ya and I that manip is going to be awesome! I can't wait to see it!
I finished the manip and put it on my page😄
the date has changed at your comic is due tomorrow!! hurry up and get it in before time is up!
no, pitch black is a character I made up
I know he is. my brother saw it and decided to make chaos! that's my brother for you! (the hacker is my brother PitchBlack is a character you made up)