9:22am; this is a page from "the universe of us," by lang leav; a book everyone should read at least once. πŸ’“ about to go make some coffee so i'm allowed to write today's "sunday morning." see you in a bit. β˜•οΈ


9:22am; this is a page from "the universe of us," by lang leav; a book everyone should read at least once. πŸ’“ about to go make some coffee so i'm allowed to write today's "sunday morning." see you in a bit. β˜•οΈ

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Grape. This page is so esthetically pleasing. 🌌 Have you ever had that type of day where you only aim to HAVE FUN and forget about school? Please tell me you have. πŸ™ŒπŸ»βœ¨
beauty in words.πŸ’•
I love Lang LeavπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»Perfection at it's finest