Thank you to all involved in my transferration into the cult that is bnha πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


Thank you to all involved in my transferration into the cult that is bnha πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

9 1
re// thank u god bless 🀟😩
what episode or book are you up to? (I'm referring to bnha of course)
you forgot about me... ;-;
como pudiste
re:// look up duolingo push on insta, one of my friends showed me
re: mah it's ok and I'm up to book number 10 and I want to finish them really bad like you!
*nah (stupid auto correct)
re: I probably relate to deku da most
yay :)
re: yessπŸ‘Œ people say deku's quirk is one for all but NOPE it's his weird way of bouncing back πŸ˜‚
uh i got mine at target and i got another at kohls but you can prolly find them online