Collage by percolator


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*opens the front door, moving out of the way to let you in* hey *smiles a bit*
you can sit wherever you’d like *closes the door* what kind of drink do you like?
*nods and walks to the bar, making both drinks* so are you from around here? *hands you your drink and sits down*
mm, a west coat boy *laughs a bit* i’m from the east coast, new york
nothing beats the holidays in the city though *smiles* i’m originally from london, as you can probably tell from the accent
*sips my drink* so when did you leave cali?
*nods* my parents are still in london so i don’t see them often
i’ve never been, i’d love to go one day
*finishes my drink* do you need a refill?
*nods and crosses my legs, fixing my jeans*
i have a hot tub if you’re interested *smiles a bit* might be nice in the cold weather
bathroom is first door on your right if you wanna change *smiles and walks into my room, putting on a red bikini*
*walks out, bringing two towels and puts my hair into a bun*
*walks to the backyard, putting the towels down*
*steps into the hot tub* mm i love it out here
*sits down* so what else can you tell be about yourself west coast boy?
three years, wow *nods a bit* do you mind me asking what happened?
i got out of a two year relationship about six months ago *nods* he was also quite a slacker *laughs a bit*
*nods* i had that phase as well, got out of it a few months ago
and is this part of your hookup phase? *laughs a bit*
good to know *laughs a bit, rubbing my arms with the hot water* very confident i see
and you think you’d be capable of that with me? *raised my eyebrows, jokingly* how very assuming of you *laughs a bit*
i’d love to see you try *laughs and fixes the strap of my top*
*nods* ah, i see. a man of strategy *smiles*
*looks at the sky, rubbing the hot water on my arms and chest*
sleepy? *looks at you across the water*
you’re welcome to stay here if you’d like, i have a spare room *smiles a bit* just in case don’t wanna drive after drinking
that’s very sweet of you *smiles*
*gets out, handing you a towel and wraps myself in one*
*walks into the house* how old is your niece?
*walks into my room, changing and talking to you through the door* mm that’s one of the best ages i think
*changes into a pajama set, walking out* they’re very wholesome at that age
*laughs and takes my hair out of the bun* i’m sure she’s adorable
*sits on the bed* how long before you have to pick her up?
*nods* seems like she’s lucky to have you as an uncle *smiles a bit, looking at you*
*nudges you with my shoulder and laughs a bit* not very good at taking compliments are you?
*nods a bit* well if you’d ever like some help babysitting, let me know. i love kids
and i am very affectionate, so i suppose if we’re going to be friends you’ll have to get used to it *laughs a bit*
glad you understand sir *laughs a bit and lays back on the bed, my legs still hanging off*
*sits up, leaning my head on you*
wanna watch a movie? *looks up at you*
*scoots back on the bed, leaning against the headboard*
*hands you the remote* your pick
mm perfect *puts on little women, laughing a bit*
*watches, pulling up the blanket*
*watches, leaning my head on you*
*watches, playing with my bracelet*
*yawns, watching the tv*
you can sleep if you want, i’ll wake you when you have to get your niece
*nods and takes a sip of water*
*yawns as the movie ends*
*slowly falls asleep*
*sleeps, breathing softly*
*flips over, pulling the blanket up as i sleep*
*stirs a bit in my sleep*
*slowly wakes up, rubbing my eyes*
*smiles a bit, looking at you, covering you with the blanket*
*wakes you gently* hey, you have to pick up your niece soon
*sits on the edge of the bed*
*watches you* what are you doing later tonight?
*nods* well if you wanna hang out let me know
*follows* i had fun *smiles a bit*
*walks you to the door*
*closes the door, sitting on the couch and going on my phone*
*goes on my phone, posting on instagram*
*scrolls through instagram*
*replies* “hmm directed at anyone specific?”
“well i call dibs, omw” *grabs my keys and gets in the car*
*pulls up and knocks on the door*
*walks to your room* long time no see
a couple times when i was in high school, not recently though *sits on the edge of the bed*
*does the same and coughs a little*
hey *midges you with my shoulder, laughing a bit and inhales*
*finishes mine and lays next to you* probably should not have smoked that whole thing
that and it makes me hungry *laughs*
kk lucky you *rolls over to face you*
*looks at you and closes my eyes*
*peeks at you with one eye and giggles quietly*
*watches you*
mm come back and lay down with meee
*fixes my sweatpants and watches you*
*leans my head against you*
*watches you and looks back up at you*
*puts my hand on your chest and yawns a bit*
*fixes my necklace, watching you*
is anyone else home?
*nods slowly and fixes my hair*
mm stop leavingggg
does this mean no more getting up? *looks up at you, smiling innocently*
*laughs a bit and lays back down*
*plays with the strings on my sweatpants*
*takes off my hoodie*
you’re right, it did make me h-rny
*goes on tinder* gotta fix it somehow *shrugs*
*swipes through* none of these guys are my type
mm maybe i will *gets up and knocks on her door*
hi *walks in and sits on your bed* i need a guy to hook up with
mm, someone like your brother i guess. chill, cute, won’t take things too seriously *shrugs*
hm, would he even wanna hook up with me?
mm alright, what’s your terms?
deal, gimme your phone *holds out my hand*
*types in a number* his name’s mateo *hands it back to you*
probably not, tell him you know me and you’ll be good
perfect, thanks girl *walks into his room* i’m gonna shower really quick m: “hey”
*walks into the bathroom and gets in the shower* m: “mm sure, if magnolia knows you you must be hot”
*gets out changing into a tank top and shorts, walking into your room* m: *sends the address*
*sits on your lap, straddling you* m: *waits for you*
you got me feeling this way so you can fix it *looks at you* m: *goes downstairs and opens the doors for you*
*slides them off and looks up at you* m: hey *moves to the side so you can come in*
i want all of you now *looks up at you innocently* please m: come upstairs
*gasps softly* oh my god m: if you’re with magnolia i don’t care
*grips onto you, digging my nails in as i moan* m: *watches you and slides off my shirt*
mm my god *moans loudly, grinding my hips against you* m: lay down
*bites down lightly on your hand and touches myself, moaning loudly* m: *gets on top of you, feeling you through your panties*
please sir *looks up at you as my eyes roll back, feeling you* m: *slides your panties to the side, rubbing you slowly*
*arches my back, trying to feel you against me, whining* m: shh *slides a finger into you, pumping slowly*
oh my god *gasps softly, feeling you back inside of me* m: *slides off my joggers*
*bites down on my lip, trying to keep quiet* m: *gets on top of you*